
Seminar Update – Thanks!

First off, scroll down to the next post for this week’s free presets. Next, I just wanted to give my sincere thanks to everyone that came out to the Covington, KY “Lightroom 2 Live” seminar last Friday. We actually had a nice surge in attendance at the end and wound up with nearly 400 people which is very cool. Even cooler though, is that I was just overwhelmed at how many people came up and said they read the blog and watch the podcasts all the time. I couldn’t have asked for a better crowd for my first Lightroom seminar and things went off pretty much without a hitch (except for the fact that I didn’t check the tethered cable during the tethered shoot and it had come loose 😉 ).

If you’re reading this and you were there, don’t forget to go to the link I gave you to download the presets I mentioned in class. I just checked and it’s up now.

Update: As I was writing this post, I just got the evaluations from the seminar dropped off in my office so I’ll be going through them today and I’m willing to bet that’ll lead to some brand new tutorials too. Thanks again!



  1. Tom Crump 3 February, 2009 at 20:23 Reply

    Hi Matt, thoroughly enjoyed the seminar and learned alot, love the workbook.
    Near the end of the seminar you worked through a tutorial on compositing
    can you tell me where to find that tutorial ? I didn’t see it in the workbook.
    Looking forward to more seminar’s.
    Tom Crump

  2. Allyson 30 January, 2009 at 16:07 Reply

    I was able to take several of my students to the seminar and all I heard during the next class was “Photo Death-match!” and “White Triangle of Doom” as excited utterances. I learned that I’m actually doing a pretty good job teaching Lr and need to focus more on the web module. I’ve followed the RSS for months and only have a chance to actually read it on weekends. Your tips and tutorials have helped out a lot for someone teaching in an otherwise technological vacuum!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. mattk 29 January, 2009 at 10:38 Reply

    Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I really appreciate the kind words. As of now, I have no dates for any of the next seminars but as soon as I do I’ll let ya know. I’ve forwarded these comments on to the seminar director so hopefully your city makes the list.

    Gene L – good catch on the $1. It should read “Save .50 cents on Photoshop World” instead. Sorry about that 😉 Now that’s a deal!

    – Matt K

  4. Franco Grillo 29 January, 2009 at 01:35 Reply

    You did a great job at the seminar Matt. I had no idea it was your first Lightroom seminar – you must be a natural, I guess.

    What did you think about the larger projection system idea?

    Hope you make it back to our neck of the woods again!

    Thanks so much,

  5. gene lowinger 28 January, 2009 at 20:38 Reply

    I noticed at the top of the website, just below the banner, there’s a note to remind us all that if we register for Photoshop World by Feb. 20th we can save $1!!! I’m hoping this was a typo, cause with what I just spent this past season on photo gear, I need more of a break than that!

  6. frank "cooksfriend" severa 28 January, 2009 at 12:13 Reply

    Matt a way off topic question. On your Kelby HDR tape your process one image. I can not get the program Photom…. to do anything with one image, it will not start the process. If I add a second one it works. PC , Windows.


  7. Harold B 27 January, 2009 at 21:07 Reply


    You should visit Ottawa where your buddy Dave Cross is from and then do a L/R tour while your there.
    Love to see you in Canada.

  8. reddy 27 January, 2009 at 16:35 Reply

    What about Savannah, Ga? You would enjoy our place with all the old Histroci things. There is so many good stuff you would like to take the photos. If you ever thinking of coming down to Savannah, Ga which is close to the beach, only 20 min away. Hope you get to come down here and teach the seminar.

  9. Jeff Powell 27 January, 2009 at 15:20 Reply

    Matt, thank you for the fantastic seminar. You definitely enlightened me on some different ways to do things, and an improved workflow. Anyone with opportunity to attend these seminars really should, it’s well worth the admission price (which is quite small really).

    I hope to see more Kelby seminars in this area (Ky / Ohio) soon.

  10. Jeff 27 January, 2009 at 13:41 Reply


    Now we just need you to bring the show up to the Seattle area! Let me know when you’re coming, I will get the seats filled for you! Would be excited to see this Lightroom seminar.

    Thanks for the great tips, videos, presets, and all the other knowledge!


  11. Larry Loar 27 January, 2009 at 11:50 Reply

    Matt, thanks again for coming to the Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky area! I hope you enjoyed your visit. (You missed all of the snow that we are getting now!) It was nice to finally meet you in person too. The seminar was first class and very informative, as I thought it would be. It was nice to have you stick around and answer everyone’s questions. I was impressed at how much you endured.
    I always check out your blog and your presets ROCK! Thanks for sharing like you do.

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