
Seeing a Before/After of Just The Panel You’re Working In

You probably already know that pressing the backslash key on your keyboard gives you a before/after of all the changes you’ve made to the image since you imported it. but what if you want to see a before/after of just the changes you’re making right now — in the panel you’re currently working in.

For example, let’s say you’re working on the Color Mixer panel and you just want to see what the image looked like before you started experimenting in that panel. In that case, you’d just turn that panel off by clicking the little switch at the top left corner of the panel (to the far left of the panel’s name). I circled it above in red.

When you want to get back to the ‘after’ image, just hit that same switch again.

If you’re using the cloud-storage version of Lightroom, the toggle switch is a lot more obvious, but it doesn’t appear on every panel — just selected panels. I’ve circled its toggle switch above.

Hope you found that helpful.

We’ve Got Something Very Special Planned in January

Watch the short 2-min+ video below and you’ll see what it’s all about and why it might be just what you’ve been waiting for:

What a perfect way to kick off a new year — with learning and laughing and lots of new photography and post processing techniques.

It’s coming up January 20-21, 2021 with a special pre-conference session the day before open to all registered attendees. Here’s the link to get your tickets. It’s going to be something very special, and you don’t want to miss it.

If you live on the West Coast, come spend the day with me tomorrow

If you missed out catching my “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” when I was on the road with it last year, tomorrow I’m doing the entire seminar live online just for the folks in the Pacific Time Zone and if you haven’t signed up — it’s not too late.

I’m live teaching from 10:00 AM PST to 5:00 PM tomorrow, and you get a complete archive of the entire seminar so you can rewatch any sessions you’d like to catch again. The entire day, including my workbook that goes right along with my sessions, is just $99. You can get your tickets right here.

Have a great week, everybody!



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