Lightroom Tips

Scott Kelby Guest Tip Week Day 2

Today is day 2 of my Steal-a-tip-from-Scott-Kelby’s-New-Book tip week. See, I’m teaching a couple of 1-day Lightroom seminars on the west coast (LA and San Francisco), and I figured it would be hard to keep up with the blog. So to celebrate Scott’s new book the Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers I’m stealing tips from his book all week long (or until Scott finds out) 🙂

Here’s an Adjustment Brush tip from the “How to Edit Just Part of Your Photo” chapter that I didn’t even know before today. When you’re using the Adjustment Brush, if you want to quickly add a new pin (without going back to the panel to click on the New button), just press the Return (PC: Enter) key on your keyboard, then start painting. Lightroom will automatically create a new adjustment brush pin while leaving the last one alone.

Thanks again to Scott for letting me steal his tips this week. If you’d like to check out his new book (and a freebie disc of all my LR presets that comes with it) you can find it right here.



  1. Lyle 21 July, 2010 at 10:13 Reply

    This is a really handy feature – lets you split localizations so you can easily individually modify then later. Thanks – L

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