
Photoshop Layers Book Webcast Follow Up

Some of you had some questions from my Layers book live webcast yesterday, so I wanted to do a quick follow up. I’m feeling a bit under the weather so forgive any misspellings and such (let’s blame it on Nyquil). Also, I’m heading out to Seattle later today to teach the Photoshop for Photographers seminar on Thursday. There’s still room if you want to snag a spot. Now, about the webcast:

• First, thank you so much if you were able to participate. I know it wasn’t in front of a live audience but those webcasts always make me feel like there’s a group of people in front of me. They’re fun to do and I appreciate all the get well wishes.

• The webcast will be available for you to watch (yes, free) if you weren’t able to make it. I’ll let you know the link as soon as I have it.

• Since the response was so great, I’ve decided to continue to sign any books that are ordered through Kelby Training’s website. Just order there and it’ll automatically get signed before they ship them.

• A question I didn’t get to answer (but I should have) was whether or not the sample images were available if you buy the book. Yes, they definitely are. In the introduction you’ll find a link to download the images I use in case you want to follow along. There’s also some videos I recorded specifically for the book.

• Nobody asked this but I thought it was cool to see that all of you propelled the new Layers book into the top 1000 of all books on Amazon (and I don’t think the 500 copies that my mom ordered factored in at all 😉 – kidding! ).
Very cool and a big thank you (see screen capture below).

Thanks again for all of your kind words about the book so far. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it and I’m truly grateful for all of your support. Take care!



  1. Marisol Perry 21 December, 2010 at 20:18 Reply

    Thanks! I’ve looked there and as you say, there is a lot you can do. But I don’t manage to filter out all my November-pictures regardless of year in a simple way. I guess I could do a smart collection with a rule for each year but if there is an easier and quicker solution, that would be great. -Jimmy

  2. DonS 14 December, 2010 at 22:22 Reply

    Here’s one, old tried and true, way to keep all your photos without creating a lot of files on your hard drive(s). Burn them to a disk, make a printed catalog of the thumbnails and file the entire lot in a three-ring binder.

  3. John T 29 November, 2010 at 06:35 Reply

    Just read your post on transferring catalogs between computers. Thanks for the tip. Since I catalog a bit differently than you do – a separate catalog for each client – I have also transferred catalogs by just copying the entire client folder from external drive or networked laptop to my workstation desktop. Then when opening LR, I select “choose different catalog” and click on the LRCAT file in that client’s folder. It opens and any and all work done previously is there.
    As I tell people whom I teach the program, “There are 101 ways to do everything Adobe.

  4. Ben Elliott 24 November, 2010 at 02:48 Reply

    Hi Matt, a question on your book. I started following along with the tutorials by downloading the images you provided on the Kelby Training website. However, in Chapter 1, the section on “Everything Else About Layers”, you begin with a background image for a wedding album page from Graphic Authority, yet I can’t seem to find it in the downloadable images you provide. How do I get that image because I would love to follow along with all the tutorials. Thanks buddy:)

  5. Craig Stocks 23 November, 2010 at 10:56 Reply

    If I know I want a shoot to be in a portable package, I’ll create a top level folder with an appropriate name (such as 2010-11-22-ThisShoot), and then put the images inside an “Images” sub-folder. I’ll then create a new LR catalog in a “Calalog” folder, also within the top level folder. I can then move the top level folder, which includes both an images folder and a LR catalog folder from drive to drive, PC to Mac and so forth. Surprisingly, LR doesn’t care about the drive letter, just the path. I can move the folder package from drive C: to a portable drive F: and when I open the catalog, LR automatically finds the images on the same drive. No need to export / import or find missing image files.

  6. Jimmy 21 November, 2010 at 16:24 Reply

    I also have a question that someone reading here perhaps can answer. Is it possible to filter out all pictures taken in a certain month? Without having imported them in folders by date or anything, just by having the info in the pictures’ metadata.

    Filter or smart collection, doesn’t matter. Just wondering if it’s possible.

    Thanks in advance,


    • foosion 22 November, 2010 at 06:40 Reply

      You can filter metadata by date in lightroom. Hit to bring up the filter settings, click metadata, change a column heading to date. click the date

      That gives you all pictures taken on a date

      You can also create a smart collection and specify date is as the criterion. Or date is not. Or lots of other choices.

      • Jimmy 22 November, 2010 at 10:35 Reply


        I’ve looked there and as you say, there is a lot you can do. But I don’t manage to filter out all my November-pictures regardless of year in a simple way. I guess I could do a smart collection with a rule for each year but if there is an easier and quicker solution, that would be great.


  7. Jeffrey Bank 21 November, 2010 at 09:50 Reply

    I had posted a question severak days ago about how much of the new Layers book is applicable to Photoshop CS4, and apparently it was deleted without being responded to. What’s up with that?

    • Matt Kloskowski 21 November, 2010 at 21:46 Reply

      Hi Jeffrey. Not sure. My spam filter has been a little overly zealous lately. Anyway, I’d say that 95% of the book is applicable to CS4. The only thing that you’ll find different is that I use the new Refine Edge selection technology a lot in the book to make selections easy. CS4 doesn’t have that. All the layers stuff is the same though. Thanks 🙂

  8. Ian S Worthington 20 November, 2010 at 15:20 Reply

    O/T question.

    Matt: from time to time you, as others do, publish LR presets. If I use such a preset to produce an image I’m really happy with, am I honestly able to say that said image was my own effort? Presets seem to add a creative element more akin to that of a model or mua, which would be credited.



    • Matt Kloskowski 21 November, 2010 at 21:48 Reply

      The preset is simply the processing of the photo. It’s like changing white balance. Just because I changed the white balance of your photo, doesn’t make the photo not yours. Wedding photographers have post-processing assistants but the photography is still theirs, right?

  9. Jim Lewis 19 November, 2010 at 17:14 Reply

    Matt, here’s an off-topic question. Is there a field in LR one could use to track where an image has been posted? I would use this to keep track of what images I’ve submitted to microstock houses.

  10. Reyal Pohsotohp 17 November, 2010 at 05:32 Reply

    For those of us unable to attend (because of other time zones or having to pick up the kids at school, etc) will this be available online somewhere?

  11. John Swarce 16 November, 2010 at 09:46 Reply


    That was my question about the picture downloading availability. I know Scott did that for his LR3 book, so I hoped that you had done the same. It makes it so much easier to follow along with the lessons.

    The webinar was terrific…you did a great job considering the circumstances. Hope you do another one soon.

    Congrats on the Amazon ranking! I’m sure you will see that climbing quickly.

    Maybe this week’s Photoshop User TV should be the “Under the Weather” episode!


    • John Swarce 17 November, 2010 at 08:43 Reply

      Ha! I just realized that PSU TV is on hiatus until the end of the month. Must have been MY cold clouding my head!


  12. Dennis Smith 16 November, 2010 at 06:19 Reply

    Is this info and are the techniques in this “LAYERS” book, applicable to the layers in PSE 9? If not, can you recommend a book that does cover PSE 9?

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