
Photoshop CS5 Training Galore!

It’s CS5 day here at the NAPP Headquarters in sunny Tampa, FL. This is about as big of a day for our company as it gets as the product that we specialize in training for gets a new set of features. I’ve had my head buried in training for the last month so I figured I’d take today to give you a quick recap of what you can find. We’ll return to regularly scheduled Lightroom stuff after I get some sleep 🙂

Online Training:
I’ve got 3 new online training courses going live today over at Kelby Training
1) Mastering HDR in Photoshop CS5
2) The Photoshop CS5 Power Session (all about the new features only)
3) The Photoshop CS5 Crash Course (for beginners)

I’m really excited about all 3 of them but the HDR one was a blast to do. Lots of HDR and lots of post processing in it. And I honestly feel like I’ve rewritten beginners courses with my new Crash Course. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out just the things you need to know in Photoshop when you’re starting out. Each video is on a topic (like Selections) and I show you only the tools you need to know to get moving ahead fast. Anyway, you can find them all over at Kelby Training.

Photoshop CS5 Learning Center
1) There’s about 16 videos on all the new features done by Dave Cross, Corey Barker, Scott Kelby, RC Concepcion and me.
2) I also did 2 interviews with Adobe Photoshop (and Camera Raw) product managers. We even talk Lightroom a little.
3) There’s a huge feature list that shows all of the features (there’s over 100 of them)
4) A bunch of FAQ’s about pricing, upgrades, and all the other good stuff
5) Videos for NAPP members only

Whew! I hope that keeps you busy for a little bit until I come up for air and get some new Lightroom stuff going for ya. Stay tuned
