Lightroom TipsNews

News, Tips and Inspiration

I figured I’d throw a bunch of stuff into one post today. Here goes:

Scott Kelby posted an article on his blog about shooting tethered into Lightroom. You’ll definitely want to check it out when you get the chance. Speaking of Mr. Kelby, his Digital Photography Book Volume 2 flew off the shelves at Photoshop World. Before my classes, I could look out and see people reading it right there as if they couldn’t wait to get home. Make sure you pick up your copy.

Lightroom News & Links
– Morey B. pointed out on the comments section from the LR 2 Q&A day, that the Lightroom 2 beta expires in August of 2008. Sounds like a pretty good indication of when we could expect the full release of LR 2 by doesn’t it? 😉
– Adobe has recently launched Adobe TV. It’s got videos for everything from digital photography all the way to web developers, video pros, and designers. Plus there’s some neat Lightroom stuff from all around the industry on there. How does this tie into ME though, because it really is all about me (totally just kidding 🙂 )? They’ve put some of my videos as well as some clips from past episodes of Photoshop TV. You can get to it by clicking right here.

Book News
– I just got my hands on a copy of my brand new, hot off the press, Windows Vista Book (co-authored with Kleber Stephenson). Basically Kleber and I realized there was no Vista book that was written in the lighthearted, easy-to-follow, just-tell-me-the-good-stuff manner that we like to write in. So we took it upon ourselves to write just that book. Vista’s got some great new stuff in it and we wrote the book to help you get the most out of it. Here’s the Amazon link to it.

– I’ve got two pieces of inspiration for you today. First is an update to one I posted about previously. Jessica Claire totally redid her site and, as much as I liked it before, I REALLY REALLY like it now. It’s just a refreshing blog/website/gallery to visit and I think you’ll enjoy what she has over there.
– There’s another website/gallery/blog that I’ve been reading a lot lately. It’s called Becker’s Blog and it’s by a guy named (you guessed it) Becker. It falls into that informational/inspirational category, as he not only posts his photos, but also industry insights, news, and links to some very top-notched stuff.

Well my fine feathered friends, that’s it for today. Check back tomorrow as I’ve got a cool video tip ready for you. Have a good one!
(photo credit: Becker)



  1. Edouard Montfort 12 April, 2008 at 04:22 Reply

    Hello Matt,

    Jessica Claire Site is great !

    The oher site seems cool…

    Take care,
    Edouard MONTFORT

  2. Michael Medina 10 April, 2008 at 16:26 Reply

    Hey Matt, I have been checking out Becker’s site since you guys mentioned it on Photoshop User TV. I was wondering if you will do any tips on how to get that nice look that Becker has in his photos. I really like how his photos look after they have been given his “TLC”, I just cant put my finger on how it is done. P.S. I could have sworn I saw your mug popping in and out of one of his videos from WPPI that featured a high speed slide show of photos in front of that black backdrop.

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