Friday Video Tip
Happy Friday folks! I’ve actually got the day off since my kids are on spring break this week but I’ve got a quick video tip for you anyway.
At first glance there doesn’t look like a way to save your slideshows into a format that you can send to some one. If you look a little further you’ll see you can indeed export them though. It exports the whole slideshow into a PDF Presentation (much like Photoshop’s PDF presentation automation). However, it won’t include any music tracks you’ve added in Lightroom. Well there’s a workaround if you’ve got Acrobat Professional. You can go in after the fact and embed the music to the presentation and get close to the same effect. Make sure you watch the video and leave a comment if you’ve got any ideas on how to take what I showed even further. I’m always amazed at what you guys come up with.
Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend. I’m tackling crown moulding in my living room this morning, which is sure to be loads of fun 🙂 . Then we’re hitting Busch Gardens this afternoon. Finally, I’m teaching a whole day hands-on class on Saturday in Sarasota, FL at the Digital Technology Centre so make sure you come by and say hi if you’re around. See ya!
Although this isn’t directly related to this tip, I have Googled plus used the search here on KT but still can’t find the right info.
Do you know how to take a slideshow we have created in LR and then somehow convert it in a format (.mpeg, .wav, etc) so the slideshow can then be uploaded to YouTube?
or u can click play slideshow, have it full screen with ur soundtrack, then use any capture video programs to record everything.
I’d suggest using Snapz Pro X for Mac and Fraps for Windows users.
Hopefully adobe watches these tips and will see how utterly ridiculous the process is to create slideshows with music for the client…
I recently created a real nice set from our disneyland trip and wanted to send a nice slideshow for my sister. What other tools do you guys use for nice slideshows?
Please adobe, add some meat to the slideshow export function!
Thank you! I was able to do this w/ Acrobat Pro! So am I correct in assuming the email recipient DOESN’T have to have Pro … but can view this slideshow with music in (regular) Acrobat 6 or later?
I do this a lot and it works well. Adding the music in Acrobat can be tricky the first time but is very easy after tthat.. I am a PC person ( please do not hate me:)
I do two other things to the pdf files from Acrobat..Password them to access security settings and select the optiona to prevent printing and not allow editing… if you are sending pdf slide shows to client you may want to consider both of these security features. sweet!
I don’t wish to sound negative here but surely for the price of Acrobat Pro it would be a lot easier (and a darn site cheaper) just to export one’s images to a desktop folder and create a slideshow using a 3rd party product costing a fraction of the Acrobat Pro price. Maybe the afore mentioned application is sold at a give away price in the States but for us Europeans it means taking out a mortgage and in this day and age…………..well forget it. 🙂
Hey Matt,
Great tip, thanks for that. I guess the export slideshow with music is a popular request for the addition to LR 2.0 so fingers crossed Adobe get the time to add it in, or at least in the not too distant future.
Just watched last weeks PSUser TV again; the bit at the end when Scott says the answer to your question has me in stitches … the expression on your face is priceless :o)
All the best to you and yours,
Have fun with the crown molding. Remember, upside down and backwords. That’s how you make your cuts for the corners. Don’t 45 them.
If you don’t follow the Adobe blog Lightroom 1.4.1 was released as well as a corrected Camera Raw.
Great Tutorial Matt! Thanks a bunch! I read in Scott’s Lightroom book that you could combine music with the slide show, but he didn’t go into detail. I purchased Acrobat a week or so ago and have spent the the majority of it trying to get the gist of Acrobat Pro. Thank you so much for putting this up. By the way, I would’ve went with the Imperial March just for S & G’s. Enjoy your weekend.
This doesn’t really have anything to do with the above tip…But I wanted to point out that the new retouching tool in LR 2.0 is a great way to smooth the skin without needing Photoshop. Just set the clarity to some negative number like -100 on the retouch brush and paint away. It does a great job smoothing the skin in a realistic way and minimizes wrinkles to boot! Woot! I love LR