
News – Photoshop CS5 On Monday

Hey guys. If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to lately this video from Scott Kelby’s blog should shed some light on it. Photoshop CS5 is coming on Monday and we’ve prepared a massive amount of content for it. In fact, if you watch to the end you’ll see there’s 14 brand new online training courses going up on Monday with 3 of them by yours truly. Should be a big launch and lots of cool stuff so make sure you check back to the learning center and Kelby Training on Monday.



  1. jason 27 October, 2010 at 10:28 Reply

    @Ron Dont know how late this info is. But you gotta to adobe bridge and select all you images or whatever you want to make a pdf and click output from the top right.. I think the adobe team is moving more stuff like that outta PS

  2. RON 8 April, 2010 at 21:59 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    I actually have a photoshop question,

    in CS4 how do we use the Automate- PDF Presentation like we had in CS2?
    I don’t see it and it was not in the goodies folder. Is it in the folders from CS2 and where and what file is it? I use Acrobat 8 pro

  3. Glyn Dewis 8 April, 2010 at 15:24 Reply

    Geez these are definitely exciting times we’re entering now. Seems there is so much going on with launches of new software, hardware and yet again you guys are well and truly ‘on the ball’ with the learning centre 🙂

    Bring on Monday that’s what I say 🙂

    All the best to you Matt,

  4. KC 8 April, 2010 at 10:15 Reply

    Very cool stuff, but I use most of the entire suite as a graphic designer, and have yet to easily find a place that talks about the other applications in the suite. What revolutionary updates have been made to InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat, etc.?

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