
News – My New DVD is Out!

I just got a copy of my new Lightroom 3 Power Session DVD today. The DVD is meant for anyone already using Lightroom who needs to get up to speed on the new features in version 3. It’s also available as a Kelby Training online course so you can check it out online or grab the DVD if you’re not an online subscriber. And since I have absolutely no need for a copy of my own DVD I figured I’d give one away here on the site. So leave a comment. Just say hi or whatever you’d like to say and you’ll be entered to win. Leave your comment by midnight on Tuesday and I’ll randomly pick one to win. Good luck!



  1. David Leachman 23 August, 2010 at 09:22 Reply

    Just got Lightroom 3 and am struggling trying to figure out the workflow. Was using Camera Raw and had that down pretty well. LR3 has some better features, but trying to find them and get a workflow seems to be a little labor intensive. Hopefully the DVD will shed some much needed light on my room. Yes, pun intended!

  2. Adriana 15 August, 2010 at 09:05 Reply


    Thank you for your posts. They are always awesome and a great source of knowledge for a self-self made professional photographer like me. The entire Kelby Training crew have been key to my development! Thanks a million! Adriana

  3. Mitch Stein 15 August, 2010 at 07:30 Reply


    I am sure your new copy of LR3 will be such a great hit as your last one was ( LR2 In Depth ). Looking forward to picking up a copy as soon as possible.
    Keep up the good work .

    Happy shooting !!!

  4. Lisa Cuchara 12 August, 2010 at 11:51 Reply

    Matt’s new power session LR course is not there. Two days ago he said it would be online. I keep looking. I am looking forward to it.

    “I just got a copy of my new Lightroom 3 Power Session DVD today. The DVD is meant for anyone already using Lightroom who needs to get up to speed on the new features in version 3. It’s also available as a Kelby Training online course so you can check it out online or grab the DVD if you’re not an online subscriber. ”

    Keep up the awesome posts and tips. I Love, love love your presents!

    Thanks, Lisa

  5. Steven Swanson 12 August, 2010 at 11:04 Reply

    As a NAPP member for the last several years, I have taken advantage of your excellent tutorials, discounts, portfolios and news. A visit a day keeps the doctor away. I am also a subscriber to Kelby Training. Wow! I have learned so much. I really appreciate the range and scope of the training there. You have something for everyone.

    Lightroom has been an important addition to my workflow. It saves so much time and allows me to be much more creative in a shorter time. This Lightroom Killer Tips blog provides new and exciting insight every week. Keep it up!

    Thank you, Steve Swanson

  6. Frank Eng 11 August, 2010 at 16:22 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    can you re show the last thing that you did before the end of the lightroom 3 Live in s f .I think i miss it.


  7. Musiquero 11 August, 2010 at 04:08 Reply

    Hola !, I am reading the Scott Kelby LR3 book and it mention this webpage for Develop presets. I just want to introduce my self to everybody and say hi to all of you!, bye, Luis.

  8. Angie Knopp 11 August, 2010 at 02:48 Reply

    Midnight Pacific time? 😀 I hope so, because I just saw this post & that gives me 12 more minutes! Thanks for all the tips, Matt. You are a brilliant guy.

  9. Phillip Burrow 10 August, 2010 at 22:48 Reply

    Hello Matt,

    For some reason this doesn’t want to post correctly tonight, so I may end with multiple messages. However, a DVD would go a long ways in helping me get over it. LOL

  10. Gary Duncan 10 August, 2010 at 22:01 Reply

    We miss out on a lot “Down Under” with all the training you undertake over there and would love a little extra help down here…mate. Although Postage would be a little extra for you…which I would gladly paypal to you. Keep up the great work !!

  11. John Swarce 10 August, 2010 at 20:19 Reply

    Congrats on the new DVD, Matt!

    Funny, on a regular daily post you get 10 to 15 comments. But give something away for free and look at how many people respond!! 😀


  12. Dennis Zito 10 August, 2010 at 16:55 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    Congratulation on your new DVD! That’s fantastic! Keep up the good work, and keeping us all up to date.


  13. Marianne Bush 10 August, 2010 at 16:35 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    First of all, thanks for a great seminar here in San Francisco last month. You sure know your stuff and you also know how to relay that knowledge. However, I wouldn’t mind having a follow up via the DVD as not everything stuck in my mind, despite the excellent seminar material. Hope you guys had a great photowalk as well.

  14. debi anderson 10 August, 2010 at 16:03 Reply

    Matt, thanks for a chance at winning your awesome new DVD… I will get a chance to meet you in person at the upcoming user conference

    This dvd would just be the icing on the cake.. Thanks matt for all the valuable tips you give us.
    debi anderson

  15. The Wiz 10 August, 2010 at 15:37 Reply

    Keep up the great work, Matt ! As one of the guys who literally pioneered audio & video on the web many years ago, your lessons are one of the things I’d hoped would happen !!

    The Wiz
    (aka Steve Curcuru)

  16. Nasir Hamid 10 August, 2010 at 14:48 Reply

    I moved from Lightroom 2 over to Aperture 3 but I’d love to see this DVD because I’m totally open to switching back to Lightroom 3 if I see a compelling set of features I don’t have in my current workflow with Aperture.


  17. Milton 10 August, 2010 at 14:16 Reply

    …randomly pick this one….

    …randomly pick this one…. 🙂

    Haven’t made the jump to Lightroom 3 yet – mainly because I’ve been needing something like this. I appreciate everything you do one this blog – keep up the great work and thanks!

  18. Rick Klingensmith 10 August, 2010 at 14:02 Reply


    Thanks for all the tips. I started using lightroom 1 and moved to 3 after some issues reading raw format from new camera bodies. Thanks to your tips from the Kelby walk you’ve opened my eyes to making my photographs much better.


  19. Richard Davis 10 August, 2010 at 13:57 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Would love to get some pointers on changing from an ACR-Photoshop workflow to an LR workflow. I have LR3 but still find myself predominantly in ACR-PS. Would love to know what you see as the pros and cons of both. Got to chat with Dave Cross a little on this when he was on a Kelby Training Live gig in Houston earlier this year where he commented on LR perhaps being better for high volume high throughput work rather than onsie-twosies.

  20. JayM 10 August, 2010 at 12:50 Reply

    Enjoyed the class on KT as I did on previous power sessions. Great way to get up and running quickly. Frankly I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.

  21. JP Gomes 10 August, 2010 at 12:21 Reply

    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here. did you mean the DVD? yea I thought so, and here i was thinking that it was an error first thing this morning here in Portugal when i tried to post. Oh well, should the dvd turn up please could you ask Scott to sign it!! it would mean the world to me!! P.S if there is any space left on it, it would be cool to have your scribble also. 😉 Thankyou all at Kelbytraining for all your inspiration and dedication it just makes my day!!

  22. Kim Evans 10 August, 2010 at 12:16 Reply

    I was so excited when I saw this offer – I really need a crash course like this. “Help me Oobi Wan Kanobi, you’re my only hope.” hehehe

  23. Dave Coley 10 August, 2010 at 11:53 Reply

    Matt – you really are (insert b-nosing rambling here to get your attention) and the Lightroom community is really lucky (insert more backside kissing comments here hoping for DVD). Awesome blog (and I actually meant that too!) Thanks

  24. Carlos de Leon 10 August, 2010 at 11:41 Reply

    I love, love, love Lightroom 3. And I feel like I’m just scratching the service. I’d love a DVD to take me though all its features. Thanks!

  25. David Gluckman 10 August, 2010 at 11:37 Reply

    Matt – It might be interesting for you to do a column on what functions and shortcuts are available in the Library Loop and Grid modes (kewwords) but not in collections (like the “x” for delete key, etc). I’ve been reluctant to use collections over the years because of this. If I knew the specific differences it might encourage me. Thanks. David

  26. Brian 10 August, 2010 at 10:45 Reply

    I really enjoy your tips and videos. I’m sure the DVD is awesome, nd would love to win your “personal” copy.


  27. Neil Glover 10 August, 2010 at 10:42 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    Lightroom 3 is on my “to buy list”. I guess if I win it will be pushed up to the top of the list. Would love a copy so please enter me.


  28. Kurt 10 August, 2010 at 10:28 Reply

    Thanks for the offer of sharing the DVD. I have enjoyed the products Kelby Media Group has put out in the past and suspect this will be just as good.

  29. Katherine 10 August, 2010 at 10:24 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    When I click on older links in this blog I get redirected to Kelby Media Group with error message “Registration has been disabled”. I’ve never had this problem in the past. Are we supposed to sign in to the blog now?

  30. Jon 10 August, 2010 at 10:24 Reply

    Lovin’ Lightroom 3. Only a few days left of my trial before I buy. Will have to take a look at getting your DVD. Love watching your podcasts.

  31. Louis 10 August, 2010 at 10:17 Reply

    Hi Matt!

    Keep up the great work! I’ve been using the free trial of Lightroom 3. So far so good. Hope Adobe will add more camera models for tethered shooting. Also they should have included live view for tethered shooting, or did I just miss that they have included live view Are there any plans for the Lightroom tour coming to Canada? Thanks for offering the DVD up for grabs.

    Cheers from Canada!


  32. Paul Bousquet 10 August, 2010 at 09:49 Reply

    I really need to get up to speed quick, over 4000 photos from my recent cross country trip need to be processed. That DVD would be sweet! Thanks Matt for offering it up.

  33. Jon 10 August, 2010 at 09:29 Reply

    Have to admit, I got LR3 in beta love it, purchased my upgrade, love even more. then purchased Lightroom 3 book for digital photographer – jury is still out, but it has some up and downs, mostly ups. Guess it’ll have to grow on me. Purchased the version prior and loved it. So here’s hoping that a DVD will find it’s way here so I can love it.

  34. Julie K 10 August, 2010 at 09:25 Reply

    One of the best things about Lightroom is all the training, books, DVDs and blogs. I have not found it as easy to learn Aperture.

  35. Chris 10 August, 2010 at 09:22 Reply

    I haven’t upgraded yet but will be soon and am looking forward to watching your videos and learning the new program as I go!

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