
Lightroom Worth-a-click

A few Lightroom-related items worth checking out today:

• The folks from Kodak have teamed up with Jeffrey Friedl to create a Kodak Export Plug-in for LR. According to Kodak, the plug-in will make it easy for Lightroom users to upload their photos to KODAK Gallery where they can order prints and photo books.

• This isn’t really “new” but Tim Armes has created a very cool Lightroom gallery called Jigasawrus. It’s for showing off a lot of photos on one page.

• Free Collage Templates for Lightroom 3 Beta’s Print Module

• If you’re looking for some HDR inspiration check out the HDR gallery from Talke Photography. Sweet!



  1. AudreyRose 20 June, 2010 at 09:49 Reply

    All the shots are amazing!!! And it’s really hard to pick one so here’s 2 of my favorite: the Multnomah Falls and the Bandon Beach Sunrise (up way too early) 🙂

  2. james 9 June, 2010 at 08:07 Reply

    Hi Matt, Love the before and after plus the settings, this is fantastic. Really shows how a few simple adjusts is making such a big difference. Keep these coming!

    My favourites are “Another Sunrise” and the “Multnomah Falls”, hard to choose are there are many great shots.


  3. Ignacio Grez 1 June, 2010 at 18:17 Reply

    Hi Matt.. I’m a number one.. or in this case number x of your killer tips…but one that I have not found yet it is “how to find an efficient way to find my catalogs” i have already 6 at least but on the menu bar it just tells me for teh recent catalogs and I can see just 1 or 2 at the time.. then If I open “open catalog” I have to search up and down for that other catalog that I’m looking for…any suggestions???Thanks a lot
    Ignacio Grez from Chile, patagonia

  4. Panos 30 May, 2010 at 10:01 Reply

    Hey Matt, I’m from Greece and I have a question. If, God forbid, you’re faced with a pc meltdown, is there any way that you have had – as a preset, or any other export – all your preferences/settings saved, so that you don’t have to do them all over again? (I’m not asking about the presets you already have a backup already) Thanks in advance…

  5. Ian null Worthington 28 May, 2010 at 09:56 Reply

    “Kodak have teamed up with Jeffrey Friedl”. Really?? Can’t see any mention on Jeffrey’s site of any Kodak involvement with this new plugin.


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