Lightroom Worth-a-click
A few Lightroom-related items worth checking out today:
The folks from Kodak have teamed up with Jeffrey Friedl to create a Kodak Export Plug-in for LR. According to Kodak, the plug-in will make it easy for Lightroom users to upload their photos to KODAK Gallery where they can order prints and photo books.
This isn’t really “new” but Tim Armes has created a very cool Lightroom gallery called Jigasawrus. It’s for showing off a lot of photos on one page.
Free Collage Templates for Lightroom 3 Beta’s Print Module
If you’re looking for some HDR inspiration check out the HDR gallery from Talke Photography. Sweet!
All the shots are amazing!!! And it’s really hard to pick one so here’s 2 of my favorite: the Multnomah Falls and the Bandon Beach Sunrise (up way too early) 🙂
I took a lot of these same pix several years ago, I am going to scan them in and LR them. Thanks Matt!
Hi Matt, Love the before and after plus the settings, this is fantastic. Really shows how a few simple adjusts is making such a big difference. Keep these coming!
My favourites are “Another Sunrise” and the “Multnomah Falls”, hard to choose are there are many great shots.
Hi Matt.. I’m a number one.. or in this case number x of your killer tips…but one that I have not found yet it is “how to find an efficient way to find my catalogs” i have already 6 at least but on the menu bar it just tells me for teh recent catalogs and I can see just 1 or 2 at the time.. then If I open “open catalog” I have to search up and down for that other catalog that I’m looking for…any suggestions???Thanks a lot
Ignacio Grez from Chile, patagonia
Hey Matt, Im from Greece and I have a question. If, God forbid, youre faced with a pc meltdown, is there any way that you have had as a preset, or any other export all your preferences/settings saved, so that you dont have to do them all over again? (Im not asking about the presets you already have a backup already) Thanks in advance
“Kodak have teamed up with Jeffrey Friedl”. Really?? Can’t see any mention on Jeffrey’s site of any Kodak involvement with this new plugin.