Lightroom Video – Installing and Organizing Your Presets in Lightroom 5
When a new version of Lightroom comes out I always like to update the video on upgrading, installing and organizing your presets for Lightroom. Just to go over any differences or changes with the new version. Luckily, with Lightroom 5, you don’t really need to change anything from Lightroom 4. Presets work pretty much the same way that they did in version 4, and any presets you had from Lightroom 4 will work just fine in Lightroom 5 with no changes. Anyway, here’s a video that goes over how to install and organize your presets so that they’re easy to get to. Enjoy!
(if the video looks small, you can click the Full Screen icon in the lower right corner, or click the YouTube icon to go to their site to see it larger)
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Free Way to Download Video from Kelby Training to MP4, AVI, MP3, etc, Have you tried allavsoft,As far as I know, it can directly download,
Do you have any troublehshooting tips?
I’ve tried multiple times to do as instructed in your video however once I hit “import” nothing happens?
The preset isn’t added to my Lightroom.
Any help?
Organization does save a lot of time and also removing presets that aren’t really right.
My computer is new. PSE13. My LR is new. LR5. i did install a preset per the video, and it worked!! However, when I R Click to find them in finder, i do not get the option SHOW IN FINDER. All I get is NEW FOLDER and IMPORT. Any idea what’s wrong. Your video is great tho. Very easy and you make it that way. Thanks.
Thank you. New to Lightroom and was getting frustrated trying to figure this out.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I’ve only been using LR for a few weeks and have never used any presets, I was getting so very irritated trying to import the sets that I purchased and I was just ready to give up! I emailed the owner of the site that I purchased them from and he is the one who directed me here……this tutorial was a migraine relief for me!!! 🙂 So easy, yet seems so complicated to me! Can’t wait to play around with my presets now! Thank you again!
I’m new to Lightroom 5 and this video just saved me a ton of time! I am just learning about presets but one thing I noticed is that not a lot of people explain where/how to install them. So thank you!!
Great video except I have no Preset Folder available on Lightroom 5.;-(
How do I install brush presets in LR5. I have a video for installing in LR3, but the file structure is completely different. I am working in Windows 8 so that may explain part of the problem. Can you help me?
Yes, presets work except for time-lapse presets that get around the limitations of Slideshow. Please see, e.g.,
I’m glad I didn’t uninstall LR4.
You had a short video on modifying/changing an existing user generated preset. I’ve searched for it and can’t seem to find it. Can you provide a link?
As a member of the “Galacticly Stupid” club, I spent 2 hours googling to find out why I had no Presets Folder in LR 5.2. Finally noticed on your video that “Develop” was highlighted. LR opens in “Library”. This being the first time I opened LR I think it was just the excitement.
I’m sure I’ll be back, thank you for the videos.
Where is the link to the tutorial? All I see on the page is the LR 5 graphic and Matt’s brief commentary introducing us to the tutorial but with out a link.
The video should be right below the text. I just checked on Firefox, Chrome and tablets and its there.
Very helpful & well done.
Thanks for the tip and the presets, Matt. Good stuff, as always. I know RSS has fallen out of favor a bit with Google abandoning it reader, but is there any way to get a RSS feed for this blog? Hate to miss any of the great things you post here. Thanks again and I look forward to the Landscape classes on Kelby Training.
just tried import your glow presets the way you describe and same thing : impossible to import matts-glow folder with the two prests in it and i need to select the two presets in explorer and import so they are now in lr5-preset folder of lr5.
but impossible to create a subfolder of lr5-presets in lr5 to drag your two presets in it 🙁
hallo matt,
i have the french version of lr5 and can’t do nothing as you describe.
i just purchased some presets from jamesbrandon so created a folder on my hard disk “lr5presets” in which i created a subfolder “james” in which i have several subfolders with presets james_travel, james portrait,…
i used old method : edit, preference, preset, open develop folder and copied pasted the lr5 preset folder
i see empty lr5preset, empty james and all james_travel,… on same level than user preset and lr presets.
i try to drag folders into lr5 preset but nothing move.
perhaps i could delete all things and import as you describe. is it the new way replacing copy paste
i am using lr5 under win7 64 bits
best regards
Matt, what happened to being able to download videos? not in itunes either????
Hi Matt
Great video as always. I would like to make sure all my presets are backed up with my catalog. When I set the preference to store my presets with the catalog I can see some old presets but not some of the newer ones I have created. Do I need to manually move the to one place?