Lightroom Video – Before/After Composite
This week it’s time for another Before/After video. They always seem to be the most popular so I figured I’d throw a twist in, and show you how I’d start a composite in Lightroom and bring it over to Photoshop. In fact, this is probably the way most of my composites start, since I shoot tethered to Lightroom most of the time. And, as luck would have it, my Photoshop Compositing Secrets book just came out. So this video just happens to be curiously timed with it’s release 😉 Seriously though, if you’re interested in compositing I hope you’ll check out the book at one of the links below:
• You can watch the full video promo of the book here. It really describes what the book is all about.
• You can order a signed copy of the book from KelbyTraining’s website here.
• Here’s the link to buy the Kindle, iPad, or paperback version from Amazon.
• Here’s the link to Barnes & Noble.
Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.