Lightroom Tips

Lightroom Tip – Moving Presets

Way back I posted a video on organizing presets because your preset list in Lightroom can get pretty unwieldy if you don’t start using descriptively named folders to keep them in (ooops, did I just say “descriptively named folders”?… sorry, inside joke 😉 )
Anyway, what do you do if you didn’t put your presets in the folder you want in the first place? No sweat. You can move ’em. Just click on a preset and drag it into the folder you want. Here’s the trick though. Let’s say you have a really long preset list and you can’t see the folder name in your preset view. Then just drag the preset to the top or bottom of the panel edges (shown here).


It’s a little tricky at first, but if you drag slowly you’ll see the panel “catches” and starts scrolling. If you drag up too far or down too far, nothing will happen so make sure you drag slowly and you’ll be able to then drag it into another folder without going outside of Lightroom to reorganize things.



  1. Frank 2 August, 2013 at 03:15 Reply

    Thanks for demonstrating how to move presets in order to stay organized. But my question is whether Lightroom 4 presets can be moved to Lightroom 5. Are they compatible?

  2. Les Howard 18 July, 2013 at 17:41 Reply

    You can also do the same with folders and collections in the left panel as well as your keyword list in the right panel – assuming you use hierarchical keywords. It can be a bit tricky waiting for the panel to scroll if you are moving something a long way. In some cases there are also some other sneaky underhanded tricks you can pull to accomplish the same thing without using click & drag.

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