Lightroom Q&A's

Lightroom Pro Q&A with Terry White

Hi everyone. Here’s another in a series of mini-interviews with some of the Lightroom pros out there where they’ve answered a short series of questions about how they use and feel about Lightroom:

Today’s Guest: The one and only… Terry White 🙂

Bio/Intro: Terry White – Worldwide Design Evangelist for Adobe Systems, Inc. Terry has been with Adobe for over a decade and has extensive knowledge of Adobe’s Creative Professional product line. In his current position, he leads the charge of getting customers excited and educated about Adobe’s Creative Suite Design Premium products. Terry is an Adobe Certified Expert and Creative Suite Master. He has been active in the industry for over 20 years and is the founder and president of MacGroup-Detroit, “ Michigan’s largest Macintosh users group and is a columnist for Layers Magazine and X-Ology Magazine. Terry is the host of the top ranked award winning Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast. He is also the author of Secrets of the Adobe Bridge and co-author of The iPhone Book, The iPhone Book 2nd Edition, The iPhone Book 3rd Edition and InDesign CS/CS2 Killer Tips.

Q. How many presets do you have in the Develop module?

A. 22 of my own custom ones.

Q. What’s your favorite panel besides the Basic panel ( 🙂 Sorry the basic panel is too much of a gimmee)?

A. The Detail Panel.

Q. What panel/slider/feature do you use the least?


Q. Do you keyword (All the time/Sometimes/Never)

A. All the time (ok most of the time)

Q. Do you use Collections (All the time/Sometimes/Never)

A. All the time – Collections are my life.

Q. Favorite Lightroom Plug-in?

A. TTG Highslide Gallery 1.1

Q. If you could add one feature to Lightroom what would it be?

A. Wow! That’s a tough one, but believe it or not the thing I’d probably use the most is a Facebook Publish Service for LR3.

Terry White



  1. Lewis W 12 August, 2010 at 11:45 Reply

    Hi Mr. White, taking a shot at getting an answer from you. I have purchased a new computer, and have a Lightroom 3 copy to update my LR 2. How do I get LR 2 over to my new computer intact? And then update it to LR 3? Is there any forum or lesson on Kelby Training that will help me figure it out? Thanks. I AM feeling lucky.

    • Matt Kloskowski 12 August, 2010 at 13:48 Reply

      Hey Lewis,
      I’m not totally sure if I understand the question but I’ll give it a shot. You don’t need to get LR2 on to the computer first. Just install the LR3 upgrade. It’ll probably ask you for a previous serial number of some sort but that’s it – no need to install LR2 first.
      Now, If you want to copy your catalog and things over to a new computer then check out my “Backing Up Lightroom” course on Kelby Training and it should help with that area.

  2. Marek Mularczyk 2 July, 2010 at 10:35 Reply

    It’s fantastic to see Terry here! He is an amazing personality in “our” world and I had an opportunity to meet him and talk to for a while recently in the UK! 🙂

    I really enjoyed the Q&A and am looking forward to your more Q&As soon…

    All best,


  3. Lyn 23 June, 2010 at 15:52 Reply

    Hi Terry
    Do youo use camera profiles with LR3? Are the camera specific profiles (Nikon Standard) etc the same for LR3 or does the new process version change the way these work? Thanks!

  4. Ryan Hoagland 22 June, 2010 at 18:25 Reply

    Did Lightroom 3 add any possibility for multi-user support? With multiple family members and multiple computers, it’s really tough to manage a photo collection with Lightroom. We can’t even store the photos and catalog on the file server under Lightroom 2. Does LR 3 help out in any way?

  5. Ramelli 21 June, 2010 at 03:51 Reply

    Dear Matt,

    I woud love that that you would do a post on all the best plug in for lightroom, I found out about the TTl plug in through your web site and tryed it to make that web site:

    but I would love to have more info on plugins that helps to make portfolio or help to get my work our there on the web.

    I read often you blog.



  6. Sherry 18 June, 2010 at 14:10 Reply


    I would love to have a healing brush like photoshop cs5. The spot remover in lightroom leaves much to be desired. All photographers don’t have PS and could use something like a content aware healing brush in lightroom. Think it will happen?


  7. Tom 18 June, 2010 at 13:05 Reply

    Terrry — I SO agree with you about the Facebook publish service! In fact, I read something before the final release came out that led me to believe a link to Facebook would be included. Sadly, ’tis not so…

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