Lightroom Mobile Tip: Seeing (and fixing) Highlight Clipping Problems
Mornin’ everybody! Today I’ve got one for all you Lightroom Mobile users, and it’s on how to find the somewhat hidden Highlight Clipping warning, and how to fix the problem. Here goes:
Here’s the image that we’re concerned might have some clipping (major loss of detail) in the highlights (spoiler alert: it’s got clipping problems).
STEP TWO: In the Adjust section, tap on either the Highlights, Exposure, or Whites tiles to bring up its slider (it appears along the bottom of your image), then do a “Two-finger tap and hold”  directly on the slider (as seen here —  those two red dots represent where I two-finger tapped), and the screen turns black. Any areas in the photo that are clipping will appear on screen (as seen above). If you see yellow areas, just the yellows are clipping. If you see reds or blues, just those areas are clipping. If you see some parts in solid white — all the channels are clipping, and if it’s an area of important detail, there’s not actually going to be any detail there, so we’d better fix it, eh?
STEP THREE: While you’re holding your two-fingers down on the slider, drag the Highlights slider over to the left until the screen turns solid black (as seen above), and the clipping is gone. Usually, the Highlights slider along will do the trick, but if it doesn’t, you might have to lower the amount of the Whites or even the Exposure to get things back to normal, but both of those sliders also have the same Highlight Warning preview as well. Again, most of the time the Highlights slider will be all you need.
Hope you find that helpful. 🙂
London Calling
I want to invite all my friends in the UK to come out my one-day seminar — coming to London on July 14th. Details and tickets are at this link (I’ll be teaching my “Lightroom Seven Point System” at the seminar, and I’d love to meet you there in person. Had just an amazing time (and a wonderful turnout) with my original “Shoot Like a Pro” seminar there last year. This “Reloaded” seminar is all-new, so if you went to the first one, this is all different stuff. Hope to see you there in person.
Have a great weekend everybody, and we’ll see ya back here on Monday!
Very very helpful information. Will try it on my mobile phone.
Mr. Kelby, I tried this on my IPAD and nothing happened. Is there an equally cool trick for the iPad users?
Use 2 fingers at the same time while moving any of the sliders in the Light panel.
Did you know that since the release of LR CC 2015 that you can no longer sync photos to lightroom mobile? Only existing collections created prior to cc 2015 can be seen on LR mobile. No new collections can be created and added to lightroom mobile.
Maybe you can find out from Adobe when this problem will be fixed.
Thanks for Sharing information ..
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Best Regards,
Thank you Scott, that helpful for me
That is helpful – I didn’t know that existed in Mobile. Thanks!