FeaturedLightroom Mobile

Lightroom Mobile: How to Import Directly Into a Collection

Happy Friday everybody: two quick things today:


Today’s tip is how to import images directly into a particular collection in Lightroom Mobile. Luckily, it’s really simple:

(1) just go to the collection where you want the imported image(s) to appear
(2) Tap the “Add Photos” button to select where the images are coming from.

Since you went to this collection first, and asked to do the import from there, your images will be imported directly into this collection.

Told ya it was simple. 🙂

If you missed our “Lightroom Mobile” day on “The Grid” on Wednesday….
We had Adobe’s Lightroom Product Manager Josh Haftel on as our guest, and he fielded all sorts of questions, gave some tips, he took in lots of our viewers suggestions, and he gave some really good insights into the opportunities and challenges of developing such an awesome application. He also convinced a lot of folks who hadn’t even tried Lightroom Mobile to give it a try, and I thought that was particularly awesome. He was a really wonderful guest, and great guy all around, and if you get a chance, give it a watch (I’ve embedded it here below).

Two Important Deadlines:
These are for folks either going to Photoshop World Vegas next month, or thinking about it.

(1) Today’s the cutoff to submit your images for the Photoshop World Guru Awards competition (this competition is only open to registered Photoshop World attendees). Visit http://photoshopworld.com/guru/ for details and to enter your images.

(2)  Today’s the deadline to reserve your discounted hotel room at our host hotel, the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, which is attached to the convention center (and where me, our staff and instructors are staying). Don’t let that discount slip away — details are right here. 

That’s it from here. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and we’ll catch ya on Monday 🙂



P.S. I did a post today over on my daily blog on how to move your plug-ins from the old version of Photoshop CC to the new just released Photoshop CC 2015.5 – here’s the link. 


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