
Hi Gang: I found this video (below) that goes over some new Web-based features of Lightroom that kind of flew under the radar, including the ability to edit your Lightroom images via a Web browser (this was all added in the most recent update to Lightroom Mobile, and is seen above).

The short video, from Adobe’s own Julianne Kost, is definitely worth checking out — even if you’ll never use some of these features — it’s pretty intriguing what they’ve done (and hey, ya never know).

I’m in Austin, Texas for my seminar here today, and I’m in Chicago on Friday for my seminar there. Hope to see some of you there in person. 🙂

Here’s to a better-than-average Tuesday!



P.S. If you missed any of our Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals, you can still get them for a few more days, at this link.



    • gene tewksbury 4 December, 2015 at 09:56 Reply

      In the video she said she was uploading images that were not on her desktop. Then later she made adjustments and said they would be synced with the desktop. This implies that the images will somehow make it from the cloud onto my desktop computer. If that is the case then my question is during the upload she uploading the ACTUAL full size file or just a smart raw file? If it’s smart raw then don’t I have to go through some process to get the real images back to the desktop at some point? Please elaborate on the workflow for this situation.

    • Plot Thickens 1 December, 2015 at 14:33 Reply

      As you can see that’s the way it will be from now on. I’m just glad there are a lot of photo editors via web browser some really powerful… and free.

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