
Lightroom 2 Exam Aid is Out

For those of you that like to keep your Lightroom certifications up to date, you’ll be happy to know that the Lightroom 2 Exam Aid is out from The LR2 exam was released back in November 2009 and the folks over at exam aids have since put together another one of their preparation packages for the exam.

I’ve mentioned this before, but if you’re serious about taking the exam, the Exam Aids (coupled with the exam prep guide from Adobe) are the best resources to prepare with. I know its an extra cost but trust me, these prep exams can potentially a) save you time when preparing because you’ll have a better grasp of what you know and don’t know and, b) save you some money on retests because you’ll be better prepared to take and pass the test the first time.

Now, I realize that the Lightroom 3 Beta is out and you may be wondering why worry about the Lightroom 2 Exam. Well, if history is any indicator, its taking about 15 months or more for the current ACE exam to come out. So if you want to stay current, taking the Lightroom 2 exam is about the closest you’ll come.

Here’s the link to check it out.



  1. Derek 24 January, 2010 at 12:06 Reply

    For someone looking to learn lightroom, such as myself, the certification could be a good way to learn the product from top to bottom. Taking the exam proves to others that you prepared well and know the product.

    The credential looks good on a resume and for others who need an expert or for someone going into the training profession. On a personal level the cert might just be a reminder of the achievement.

  2. Mike 23 January, 2010 at 04:59 Reply

    Quick question… if I’ve gone through the Lightroom classes on Kelby Training and have read Kelby’s Lightroom 2 book… would the Exam Aid still be a benefit or would it be fairly redundant?

  3. Sean McCormack 21 January, 2010 at 14:19 Reply

    Hey Matt, thanks for posting this. I assume you saw it on LRN.

    I think Shangara did a good job on this, and it really is a useful study aid for those wanting certification to pursue teaching.

    Again thanks for posting,


  4. Tom Ostano 21 January, 2010 at 09:07 Reply

    I agree with Jack too,
    Whenever I hear some one say “It’s ridiculous to have a certification for Lightroom”, I translate it to “I don’t have the Lightroom ACE certification”.

  5. John Tucker 20 January, 2010 at 13:48 Reply

    Jack makes a very good point. Furthermore, certification is definitely beneficial if you are, or want to be, a LR instructor in workshops and seminars. Certification tells people that you know the program inside and out and are qualified to teach it (assuming you also have good teaching skills).

  6. Jack 20 January, 2010 at 09:01 Reply

    You’re missing the point guys. The certification is not for you and whether or not you like the certification, or feel Lightroom is difficult enough, or not, to need one. The certification is for other people who are looking for an expert. You can say your work should speak for itself all you want, but lots of people like something tangible that says “Yeah, this guy knows his stuff”.

  7. alex 19 January, 2010 at 10:19 Reply

    Maybe I’m a newbie, but what does one gain from taking a Lightroom exam? Also- any recent guesses as to when LR3 will be fully available?

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