
Lens Correction Coming in Lightroom 3

Here’s some cool news in the Lightroom world. Adobe Lightroom Product Manager Tom Hogarty revealed on his blog yesterday, that Lightroom 3 will have Lens Correction in it. From looking at comments every time a new beta has been released, I’ve noticed this is one of those things that a lot of LR users have requested so it’s good to see it make the cut into LR3. Still no official date on the full version of LR3 (so please don’t ask) 🙂 Since LR 3 and Camera stay on par with each other, this technology will also be in Camera Raw 6 (which you’ll get if you purchase CS5). Tom also has a video on his blog if you want to see more.



  1. Stephen 11 October, 2010 at 13:24 Reply

    Does anyone know of a good site/discussion regarding the use of LR3’s lens correction function?

    For example – What are the pro/cons of just using a preset on import to correct all images?

  2. Carmen26Cochran 7 July, 2010 at 02:49 Reply

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  3. Tomcat 18 May, 2010 at 04:28 Reply

    That’s great news. This sealed my decision to purchase LR3. A small wonder that we got it, given how impossible it was described to be on the adobe LR forum.

  4. Jim Lewis 5 May, 2010 at 14:46 Reply

    It seems to me that the latest iterations of Lightroom and Photoshop are incorporating a lot of the best ideas from the add-on community, lowering the need for external plug-ins, with all the overhead they bring.

  5. captain spin 1 May, 2010 at 20:36 Reply

    Hi, re above, lens correction will never be as good as having a dedicated PC lens. I am a great fan of the PC lens.

    • Rodney 2 May, 2010 at 23:29 Reply

      There is so much more to lens correction than just perspective correction.
      Its not meant to be a substitute for a good Tilt/Shift lens.
      Barrel distortion chromatic aberration pincushion the list goes on.
      And even expensive lenses can suffer from these faults.

  6. Kenneth Theysen 1 May, 2010 at 10:35 Reply

    WOW!!! Waiting for something like this!!! Awesome improvements by Lightroom Team. This is really going to make my work flow improve even better. Thanks Matt for this one!

  7. François Bernatchez 1 May, 2010 at 09:14 Reply

    Now this is great news. I had PT lens and it worked fine. I used it for some time. Then I used to go into Phoroshop for the lens correction. But it is time consuming and not very practical in my workflow. What a relief LR3 will provide. What an addition also because it goes beyond. A great step. Thanks !

    • Jorn Kremers 1 May, 2010 at 04:48 Reply

      Apparently 🙂 I downloaded the trial version of CS5 and it contains ACR 6.0, which does not include these lens correction tools.

      They are available in photshop though, just not in the RAW processing module.

      • Jason Hickerson 3 May, 2010 at 22:43 Reply

        Camera Raw 6.0 which will ship with CS5 will NOT have the lens correction capabilities. You will have to wait until 6.1 which, according to Adobe engineers posting on another forum, will be out around 13 weeks after CS5 ships.

        Lens corrections will ship with the final release of LR3, however.

  8. Stefan Segers 30 April, 2010 at 08:57 Reply

    Let’s hope video’s and pictures can be combined in a slideshow together with Ken Burns effects, so it can be exported as a hd movie 😉

    Lens correction is also very nice!

    I am very currious what other new functions will be added (speed maybe?)

  9. Henrik Biørn-Lorenzen 29 April, 2010 at 21:36 Reply

    Hey Mr lightroom guru 🙂
    you have the new CS5 … lucky you but could you let the rest of know how is cs5 intergration with lightroom.
    is it better or the same as it is now with CS4 and Lightroom 3


    • Kent 30 April, 2010 at 07:52 Reply

      Matt said in the blog.

      “Still no official date on the full version of LR3 (so please donÂ’t ask)”

      I know were all looking forward to it, but we will just have to wait a little longer.

  10. Glyn Dewis 29 April, 2010 at 15:10 Reply

    Hey Matt.

    This lens correction is certainly a very welcome addition to LR3; quite how Adobe do it I don’t know but I’m real glad they do.

    I only wonder what extra little surprises are going to throw in as they tend to do.

    Glyn 🙂

  11. Samuel 29 April, 2010 at 15:05 Reply

    Yeah! That was my most wanted feature! Me and a lot of other users have requested this many times in the Adobe Forum. They told us it was very difficult to implement in a non-destructive way. Great they finally accomplished to do so.

    And Matt, thanks for the good news!

  12. HankB 29 April, 2010 at 11:14 Reply

    Was thinking about purchasing DXO Pro mainly for this feature but now with LR3 incorporating this important feature, I won’t. An important addition to LR that will improve and simplify my work flow. Bravo to the Adobe team! Really looking forward to the LR3 release.

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