
I’m Going To Be On TV

Hey everyone. First off, a big thanks to all of you that came out to my Lightroom seminar in LA yesterday. I had a blast. Great crowd, great vibe and we had a really good time.

I’m actually still in LA and really excited to be appearing on the Home and Family show today. I actually appeared on the show a little over a year ago (hence the photo above) and was asked back since I was in town teaching Lightroom. It’s a show on the Hallmark channel hosted by Mark Steines and Cristina Ferrare. It turns out that Mark is a photographer (a great photographer at that – you can see his portfolio here) and uses Lightroom. He asked if I’d come on the show to talk photography about KelbyOne, so that’s where I’m heading this morning. It was a really amazing experience last time, so I’m psyched to get to do it again. We record the segments today, and they’ll air tomorrow so make sure you check out the details below for more info.

Here’s the details:
Channel: Hallmark (check your local cable listing)
The episode will air Friday, March 7 on the Hallmark Channel at 10/9c for cable
For satellite: 7am west coast, 10am east coast.

Wish me luck! You know how I get in front of a camera 😉



  1. Tim W 9 March, 2014 at 12:07 Reply

    I just watched the episode, and you did all us photographers proud ! Out “Hobnobbing” with the “Rich and Famous” of Hollywood ! LOL

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