
Lightroom’s “Hidden” Auto Settings

Happy Tuesday, everybody. Great video today from Benjamin Warde as he uncovers some of the ‘hidden’ Auto features of the Basic Panel (beyond just clicking the Auto button). You gotta check it out (and the video is, as always, under 60-seconds). 🙂

Great stuff, right? Thanks, Benjamin. 🙂

Here’s to a rockin’ Tuesday!



P.S. I’ll be in the Cincinnati/Covington, KY area next with my full-day Lightroom seminar – I’m there on Monday, April 30th. If you’re up that way, come on out and spend the day with me learning Lightroom. Tickets here. 



  1. Irwin S 19 April, 2018 at 14:41 Reply

    Benjamin’s tips are always useful and so great in such a short format. Very effective and much appreciated.

  2. Aqeel 17 April, 2018 at 15:58 Reply

    Awesome tip. One thing to note is that when an individual slider is “auto-ed”, the value is different than when the “auto” button is clicked and applied to all the sliders.

  3. madesco 17 April, 2018 at 07:04 Reply

    Oh my! I used that trick to set white and black points after I set everything else, but never thought of using it for one slider only. This can produce interesting effects, I’m sure. Thanks! As always, your tips are really useful.

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