Get Lightroom and Photoshop for $9.99
Adobe just announced an absolutely killer deal on Lightroom and Photoshop for everyone. See, back in September, they announced that Photoshop CS3 customers (and higher) could get Photoshop CC and Lightroom for $9.99 a month. Great deal right? But it wasn’t for everyone. Well now it is. If you’re new to all this stuff and didn’t own a previous version of Photoshop then you were outta luck. If you owned Photoshop CS2 or the Creative Suite, then you couldn’t take advantage of it either. But that’s all changed for the new few days until Dec. 2nd, 2013. So if you were on the fence, now’s your chance. Even if you just bought Lightroom 5, it’s probably something to consider locking yourself in to.
Also, in hopes to not regurgitate all of the information that’s already out there, Scott Kelby did a Q&A on his blog so I’m going to point you there if you want more info. Have a great weekend!
Hi Matt
Thank you for this great information. I have just signed up. In Switzerland the deal is available until December 31th
My first visit to your blog and because of you I get the great adobe deal, thanks for posting it 🙂
This is a good deal but what is the normal cost? Will this be affordable after the first year when the deal has expired and you are tied in?
Did you check out Scott’s Q&A that I linked to in the blog. Btw… you’re never tied in. You could always stop subscribing and go buy Lightroom for $150 whenever you want.
Hey Matt,
I thought I would take a min to share..
Ed Weaver over at RED Photographic
Sent out emails offering his 2014 calendar templates free again, Thought might be something to share on the site.
I have used them since the very first podcast you shared with all of your followers.
Just wanted to pass on the info.
16 usd in Euro though..
Why this difference for a download?
I guess only Adobe can say for sure but, I don’t know anything that doesn’t cost 40-60% more there do you? 😉
Sadly, it’s NOT for everyone. We here in South Africa are unable to participate for some reason or other. A lot of very irate photographers on this side of the world.
Great deal. I’m glad they are putting this bundle together for a good rate. These are the power tools for us. Thanks again for sharing!
This is great, but if you live in South Africa this deal does not exist, you only get the option of the whole creative suite for $50 a month.
Matt! Dude! What a deal! I hadn’t heard about this until I checked LKT! I’ve signed up and passed the word. Thanks for so much incredible information.
I’m very disappointed. After numerous contacts with Adobe regarding this program, I was led to believe by Adobe that they were not backing off the prior purchase requirement of CS3+ to qualify, so I dropped $450 on a copy of CS4 (I had previously bought 2 versions each of LR and CS but because they were academic discounts they did not qualify me for this deal). Now it seems I bought it for nothing. Amazon doesn’t take returns on opened software so I’m out a significant chunk of money. Thanks Adobe.
(For those questioning my purchase, buying the software was to save me $10/mo so I wold break even in 45 months, and save that every month thereafter)
My brother recently purchased Lightroom 5 and after a phone call yesterday to Adobe he got his money back when he took advantage of this deal.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get.