Friday Tip and Weekend Reading
Once again, I’ve been shown a tip by one of my readers. That’s one of the reasons why I’m really happy that I turned comments on way back. Okay, here’s the tip. I’ve written about the fact that you can hold down Alt/Option and drag on the Exposure and Blacks slider to get a temporary clipping preview. But I never knew you could do the same with the Recovery slider. It sounds silly but it’s kind of cool because I’m not really one to turn on my clipping warnings all the time since it shows big red blotches on my photo. But I use Recovery all the time and this trick is a good way to get a preview of what the slider is doing. So I’d like to say thanks to Jason for showing me this one.
OK, a couple more things. First, Marc Rochkind has been doing some cool stuff with his LRViewer software. Sounds like a neat idea and you can read more here.
Finally, some weekend reading. Jon Tehero has an interesting article on Aperture vs. Lightroom when it comes to presets. Hey, I know this is a Lightroom site but it’s always good to see what other software can/can’t do. Click here to read the comparison.
Well campers, that’s it for the week. I called you “campers” but I’m actually the one going camping this weekend. My son is in cub scouts and we’ll both be braving the wild this weekend. Luckily it’s only about 10 minutes from the house so if he gets scared (read: I can’t figure out how to put the tent up), we’re really close to home. Wish me luck!