You can submit your comments and feedback using this page. For questions, your best bet is to visit the NAPP Lightroom member only forum or the Lightroom forums on Adobe’s website.
You can submit your comments and feedback using this page. For questions, your best bet is to visit the NAPP Lightroom member only forum or the Lightroom forums on Adobe’s website.
It’s wonderful that you are getting ideas from
this post as well as from our dialogue made at this time.
Po moemu neploho!
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Hi Matt,
first of all thanks for your great podcast – love it. Very valuable tips and tricks.
I would like to learn some more about Lightroom2 and printing. Especially when it comes to colors I’ve encountered severe problems with the Lightroom2 printing module.
I’m using a Canon printer with Canon ink and Canon paper (+ calibrated monitor). When I now print my pictures using Lightroom, they all come out very flat and with wrong colors, although I set the correct paper in the printing dialogue and told Lightroom to let the printer driver take care of the ICC profile. All in all, the prints which come out are good for the trash bin – but that’s it.
On the other hand, when exporting the images and printing them using the Windows Vista fax and printing program (built in kind of stuff Windows explorer program to display pictures) the picture looks exactly the same like on my screen.
Do you have any idea, what I’m doing wrong when printing with Lightroom?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best regards
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I totally agree with you
I am new to Lightroom 2, and I am having a really hard time finding an image using the “find” or filter bar. When I click on text, it gives me nowhere to enter the actual file name I am trying to find. Can you please help? In the old Lightroom, the find text was on the left and very easy to find/use/operate. Now, I’m lost.
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Hi webmaster!
Hi webmaster!
Hi webmaster!
I am having trouble exporting web galleries to the FTP site provided with my account with the ISP I use …I have 20mb of space to which I would like to post galleries.
However, I cant seem to get the path correct and it dosn’t end up properly on the FTP server. Would be usefull to have a tutorial about doing this…
A plus symbol has appeared following one of my keywords, and despite searching the help and online resource I cannot figure out what it signifies. Can someone let me know, please?
Oh, and did not know about it. Thanks for the information …
ia vasha tetiao mesie’
Good loom
The Austrian company BWIN has a very well constructed website and functions in several countries such as Italy, Germany, UK and of course Austria.
Hi Matt. I just discovered this site and am devoting my weekend to going through all your tips. THey are great and make me love Lightroom all the more. Here’s my problem:
I am trying to duplicate your tip on making a watermark for slides and I can’t get Lightroom to “see” the psd file I created. When I change it to jpg or bmp or gif, it sees all of these in the file panel but not the psd. This makes me think tht it can’t accept pds for watermark, and that your tip was made for an earlier version of lightroom and is no longer applicable for some reason. I can’t make the other formats transparant so can’t use this technique at all, as far as I can tell. What’s the problem? Do I have to flatten it or something?
You do such great work on this blog and I have learned a lot form you. You explain things very well in the videos and in your posts. There is one post however that I just can’t get my head around. In the post from Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at 11:04 am you explain how to switch the aspect ratio of the crop tool. I thought I was doing it as you explained in the post – but I just can’t get it to work. Would you be so kind as to do a video of this technique.
Many thanks,
Hey Matt – wanted to comment on your video about backing up your lightroom database. I think one important thing that people should remember when backing up/moving to a new machine in LR is that they should remember to backup their Presets folder. I have been a victim of this when I reinstalled my OS. I backed up all my Catalogs/Photos but in the end, I forgot that it’s stored in the LibraryApplication SupportAdobeLightroom folder.
Matt: I enjoy all the great stuff you guys are doing, but I do have two things that I reacted to.
1. You are saying that you changed colorspace from ProPhoto to Adobe RGB because monitor and printer can not show or print ProPhoto, well if you look at a printerprofile for example from Epson semigloss paper in 3D space you will see that part of this printerprofile extends outside of the Adobe RGB and that means you will be cutting colors and not using the printers fully potential when using Adobe RGB. So I would keep the ProPhoto space…
2. You mentioned in one of your videos about going from RGB to LAB and then back to RGB will not damage your image. Perhaps you will not see this on the screen but if you calculate the colorinformation before and after such conversion you will see it. You can read more at
Here is a quote from Bruce Linblooms website:
“Another interesting observation from the table relates to native Lab encoding. The established methods of integer encoding of Lab color (Lab TIFF, ICC, Photoshop) will clip some of the Lab Gamut. But even more devastating than that is the gross coding inefficiency (only 35%). This means that nearly two-thirds of Lab coding space is wasted on colors that do not even exist. This may be seen here. This inefficiency “squeezes” real colors tightly together, resulting in possible quantization losses. So converting an image into Lab for the purposes of applying a color correction in Photoshop can severly reduce the number of unique colors in your image. This is discussed further here. Whether this is a significant loss depends on the particular situation, but you should at least be aware of it.”
pixelpeeper 😉
Hi Matt,
Concerning your post on 2 November saying that Scott advises not using the ProPhoto colour space but converting to Adobe RGB 1998 when exporting to Photoshop as most printers/monitors can’t capture the entire gamut of the ProPhoto colour space (or words to that effect) well please take a look here:
Jeff Schewe does not agree with Scotts thinking in this regard and in fact says he will tell him personally when next they meet 🙂
Two experts – who to believe? Problems problems. 🙂
Matt: Why do you (and Scott Kelby) put your picks into collections rather than working directly from the folders tab? Am I missing out on an advantage here?
Hi Matt, I just wanted to comment on the Arizona pictures you posted the past week and say that they look awesome! It really is hard not to take a good picture out there since it is so beautiful but you took some winners in my book. I was just recently out there last week too and took a ton of photos that I have posted on my blog site. Feel free to take a look and if you have any time, would love a comment or two.
I also want to say that I think you , Scott, Dave and Corey rock! I have been a NAPP member for a very short time and became one after attending Scott’s Lightroom tour in Boston. I really enjoy watching you on PhotoshopUser TV and look foward to your tutorials on the show and on the NAPP site.
Hey Matt,
You mentioned in number 2 of your Friday tip, that you switched your settings in Photoshop from Pro Photo to Adobe. Could you go into more detail and tells how you set it up. I’m fairly new to Photoshop and would like to see your settings.
I am halfway through Scott Kelby’s “7 Point System” book and realize that I am going to have problems adapting it to my Lightroom work flow.
I suggest that a “Advanced Lightroom/Photoshop integration” video (or series!) is called for.
For example: the whole use of Smart Objects and Lab Color in Photoshop, and their impact on round tripping in Lightroom…
Just wondering if Lightroom is destructive to .jpgs when making changes and then saving? What if changes where made over and over to the same .jpg? Or if you just perused jpgs in the program? I shoot everything in RAW now because Lightroom makes it so easy, but before this program I shot mostly .jpg. Thanks for any advice and a great website!
Great tip! In looking around on the web I ran into a shortcut for the copyright symbol which may be of help to someone. In the Identity Plate you can enter the following as text: ALT+0169 (using the numeric keypad) for the PC, Option+G for the MAC.
Question: When exporting a slideshow to PDF, where should the quality slider be set? I’m not sure if the setting, say at 90 % is actually 90% of the original file? Perhaps a beginner question!
Matt: Thanks alot for your presets. They are great. However, I’ve just dowloaded your newest printing presets and when I try to import them lightroom does not allow it. Any ideas? I’ve had no trouble importing your others. For the record, I’m not running Leopard yet!
Speaking of backup – I have total peace of mind with – dirt cheap unlimited online backup for all my photos and everything else on my computer. (and it’s Mac compatible) It’s also easy to restore any lost files.
The backups happen automatically without me even thinking about it.
You would have the backup tutorial posted 10 hours after I finally went to Leopard and lost about half of my library. Wish I wasn’t so anxious to upgrade and done a little more backing up. Anyway, great information as always.
Am I right in assuming that when a file is exported to CS3 from Lightroom and converted to a duotone that the new file cannot be re-cataloged in Lightroom. every time i try this when I synchronise the folder it recognises that there is a file to update but after clicking import the error message occurs stating Unsupported color mode. It is a psd file why should’nt one Adobe product allow another Adobe product to import its own file format. Am I missing something?
Hey Matt,
Love the tips and the site. And I really like the contact sheet. But wouldn’t it be cool to be able to save that contact sheet to a JPG so I can then send it off to my print house??? Is that possible?
Hi Matt,
Great tutorials, glad I found them!
I have searched all over LR to see If it is possible to change the background and /or text color of the CONTROL PANELS (I know you can change them where the photos are shown, but that’s not where I’m talking about). I find it hard to quickly see all the control icons and sliders with the charcoal backround and pale gray fonts.
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone of you could answer a question for me: How come the raw images that come out of the D70s and the D80 are so flat and de-saturate? When shooting JPEG the same photo is very vivid and “alive”. I know that the camera does a lot of processing when shooting JPEG and hence the vivid colors however, there is one color that I can’t bring back in raw: RED.
The red color seem to disappear almost entirely. Is it better to open in Capture first (or even Bible, I have both) correct for white balance and then bring to Lightroom? It would be complicated to do so but the output photos (printed on a KISS mini-lab) are muddy and mute especially the skin tone.
I sent this question to a couple of forums but no one came up with either explanation or solution…
Thank you,
As always great site, killer tips.
I am expecting my copy of Leopard to arrive any day now. Based on the multitude of write-ups on the net regarding Leopard installs, I have decided to go for a wipe and install method and not an upgrade. I am a recent Mac Convert and I have 28 000 images in LR at the moment.
My question is this;
What is the best way to backup/export/copy my images including all my mods in LR in such a way that i can best re-import them after Leopard is in or in the event that I need to revert to Tiger. I have enough external capacity for all my images and data.
This may seem simple for many, however, I am literally scared I will loose my stuff in Light Room at the moment, your guidance will be great. I hope this will help others here too.
Best Regards
I wasted time trying to save the copyright symbol as a .psd. Windows apparently doesn’t accept .psd. I saved it as a layered tif and it worked fine. It would be good if you could double check your tips for Windows users. I am quite surprised that something this basic is different for Windows users and Mac users. In this case I really think you should have answered Thom’s question in this forum as it is something basic and your tutorial caused quite a bit of confusion. Otherwise I find your podcasts very useful.
Edit by Matt K: Thanks Karen (I think). In fact, I think you’re nominated to be my official Windows tester. Great find. (See I’m not all that bad after all.)
Hmm that watermark video looks remarkably similar to my one from the end of July..
Edit by Matt K: Great tutorial Sean. Never saw it before today though. Great minds think a like 🙂
After making my watermark image either as a jpeg or psd document saved on my desktop. I went into Lightroom identity plate, in the slide show module, cliked on the browse and could not find the images I made and placed on the desktop. Any clues? Edmund
Tip on keywording:
Adding keywords to a selection of multiple photos does not work when the selection was made in the bottom slide (not the grid).
I noticed I like to use the slide instead of the grid especially in Develop.
By habit I also started making my selections via the bottom slide for keywording, to find out later, it only give the keywords to the first selected photo and skips the rest.
Which in my opinion is strange since when i made a selection within the bottom slide and go to the grid mode the same selection is visible in the grid as in the slide, yet still it only gives the keywords too the first selected picture and skips the rest.
So for the tip:
Hide the bottom slide show when keywording multiple photos, just to be save!
Hope this helps anyone, I noticed after adding keywords to 7000 photos i actually only did 4000 but which ones….
Hi Matt – thanks for the video on how to add copyright to my slideshows. However, when I try to use the .PSD file I have created I have found that Lightroom 1.2 is not supporting PSD files in the selection box.
I not that I am using windows and you were using a mac.
Can you help?
Just wondering if Lightroom is destructive to .jpgs when making changes and then saving? What if changes where made over and over to the same .jpg? Or if you just perused jpgs in the program? I shoot everything in RAW now because Lightroom makes it so easy, but before this program I shot mostly .jpg. Thanks for any advice and a great website!
I am trying to shoot some pictures using tethered shooting with my Canon 20D. I have been on adobe website and Scott Kelby’s lightroom book for instruction. I can not get the settings to work on my Intel Mac using LR 1.2. I have tried this on a PC and it works fine. Have you had any problem starting a watchd folder and adding photos into import into Lightroom? My friends and I are baffled. Need Help!
First of all, love the blog and it’s very helpful. Secondly, have a question and don’t know if other readers may be having the same problem.
I was printing some photos from Lightroom the other day and was frustrated because the only option available for profile was, “Managed by Printer”. In Photoshop, you turn off color management on your printer and have Photoshop manage color. Is this same concept applicable to Lightroom?
Tried to use the wateramark tip but Lightroom 1.2 will not recognise a psd file when you try and use it as a graphical plate. If you save as a JPEG or BMP then there is no transparency ie it has a white background, I am using CS3 and Vista. I have followed the podcast closely and do not think I am mising anything. can you advise?
Hi Matt. I’m a regular visitor to your site, and have found a tonne of invaluable tips that have made my time with Lightroom infinitely easier and better. Thankyou so much for this!
I actually just discovered something that I think I will continue to use, and thought it might make a good tip for your site too (I’m sure you already know it though!). When using the crop tool to resize, it does dim the part of the photo that is going to be cropped out, but sometimes it’s not really enough to see the true effect of cropping at that edge. Hitting the L key at this point to go into Lights Out mode darkens it right down though, allowing you to still move the crop box around to see exactly what the photo will look like when cropped. I’ve found it to be a great help.
Anyway, thanks for all your tips!!
Thanks a lot for keeping a website like this. Its the best source for lightroom training I’ve found so far
Am a NAPP member, and I will go there for that.. Thanks. Onto the next. I followed you video on the copyright watermark. Saved file as psd. When I went to the identity plate, edit, graphical, but psd is not a supported file type. Is that because I am on windows, and not a Apple like you?
Keep up the great work. Your blog is one of the better ones.
Edit by Matt K: Hi Thom. Thanks for the kind words. Again, your best bet is to go to the NAPP Lightroom forum if you’re a NAPP member. Thanks.
I love your podcast videos – so instructive and straightforward. Also, keep those presets coming! However, in the latest watermark video, I was wondering if you had a tip for what those of us that don’t have PS should do in order to take advantage of this tip. Could you post the PSD file of the copyright watermark?
Matt or anyone.. How can I get a better (consistent) color in my sky.. Am I not doing something right in Lightroom? Looking to get rid of the Light part of the sky in the horizon, and make it more consistent with the sky at teh upper levels? Any thoughts any one.
Edit by Matt K: Hi Thom (and anyone else with questions). This really isn’t a forum so I tend not to post too many questions here. Your best bet is to go to the NAPP Lightroom forum if you’re a NAPP member. There are some really talented folks there to help. Also you can check out Adobe’s Lightroom forums if you’re not a NAPP member.
Hey Matt,
I actually jumped over here from the photoshopusertv site to let you know the trick/tutorial you did on applying curves in LAB mode and saving the action was a great inspiration for me. While I did already have actions to that effect (one for each hash – personal preference), I also had utilized the technique for sharpening. I actually used that in a tutorial myself recently and was asked about how to record that so did another one in a similar but more detailed vein (more layers)to yours on curves. May be something to consider for in PS TV or elsewhere. Anyway, thanks again for the inspiration. While my recording “studio” is not on the same field as Matt’s, anyone who is interested is welcome to check out the one I did for sharpening too: is the site for any others that may be interested. (I threw a link back to here as well…)
Thx for all the great stuff you show here and all the other places, like photoshopusertv.
Its nice with the presets, a little idea could be to put up an example of the effect, so people can see what they actually do 🙂
Matt, just wanted to say a big thanks for the presets you’ve recently made available.
Added to the video tuturials you already post, this site is rapidly becoming my favorite photography related site on the web.
Keep up the good work and all the best.
Regrettably I’ve neglected using this site, but never again! Thanks Matt for your tip on the Dot Line Wireless RF Remote Release. Been looking all over for something like this worth buying but wonder if it will work with the upcoming Nikon D-300 – pre-ordered (thanks to Mr. Scott Kelby). ;^D Am hoping Hoodman might update their loop to fit 3″ LCD screens.
Your AZ shoot turned out beautifully, amazing state filled with color and great formations. Arizona Highways should envy your showcasing it.
Canon was on Catalina Island doing a workshop which also went well for them. Wish you’d come over in the future and do one too.
Love you guys, you’re the best.
Lynn Ava
Matt, thanks so much for the killer tips and your free presets. They are great! I really enjoy working my way through the tips, but I am no where near caught up. Thanks again.
ps I moved my LR photos to a hard drive, and then like a dork re-imported them instead of just letting LR find them. Now all my edits are gone, is there anything I can do, or am I just out of luck?
thanks 4 the weekly video tutorials. it s great to play the videos on my new ipod touch. the LR catalog video was great and helpful. thanks 4 the ideas and the inspiration …. all the best from hamburg, germany
HI Matt – Thanks for the write up on your blog!
I got so much traffic to my website from your post I had to increase the bandwidth! Congrats on a great blog. I rely on NAPP to keep me updated on the latest in digital imaging, and love attending PS World Vegas every year.
Hi Matt,
I like your presets. Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten where they go.I downloaded today’s presets, now, where do I put them?
Edit by Matt K: Jim, you’ll see a link to a video in the preset post that shows you. Thanks!
Hello Matt,
Great “edgy illustration tip” here’s the results; turned out pretty well; forgot the lens vignetting after the crop but I really liked results.
Love the lightroom stuff and PS as well.
I have Lightroom originally loaded on my laptop and I now have a new desktop which will be my primary Lightroom computer. I have Lightroom loaded on my new computer and I have imported a group of Alaskan pictures to this new PC. How to I transfer all the work I have done on the laptop to my PC. The pictures did bring over all the keywords but I had cleaned up and cropped many of the photos in Lightroom. The same issue will be encountered when I take my laptop on the road and I want to share some of my photos. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit by Matt K: Ron, Just do a search on this site for the “Catalog” video. It shows you how to move your whole catalog.
My hard drive is full so I want to import pictures into lightroom but, put them on my external hard drive. Will lightroom let me do this? My goal is to have them on my external hard drive and be able to work on them in lightroom with out importing everytime I want to work on them.
Edit by Matt K: Yep. You’ll still have to import into Lightroom so it can manage your photos but you can just import to your external drive instead of locally on your computer’s hard drive.
In regards to installing the presets in Lightroom, I could not for the life of me find where you were talking about below, but I did find a way to do it in Windows that you might want to post.
To install them, first unzip the ZIP file. Go to the Develop module. Then Right-click the User Presets item in the Presets panel and choose Import. Repeat this for each of the 3 presets.
On Windows you would put them in this path but change your user name where the xxx is.
C:Documents and SettingsxxxUSER NAMExxxApplication DataAdobeLightroomDevelop PresetsTEMPLATE NAME.lrtemplate
On the Mac you can search for where the *.lrtemplate files are located and unzip them there.
Hope this clears up some confusion for others :O)
PS Thanks for the awesome vignette presets you shared. They’re GREAT!!
Hi Matt, your Monday presets are the bomb. They really add flair to any image. Thanks…You’re so Kool with a Capital K!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for a great website, I’m new to Lightroom and your site so am sucking as much Lightroom info in as possible. I just read yopur tip of Ctrl/Shift/F to go full screen and thought you might like to know that Shift Tab does the same thing with lesss fingers!!!!
Cheers and keep up the great work.
I have been attempting to donwload Monday’s tip on presets and have been unable to download. I am sure I missed a preference or something simple. I tried download to ITunes and NAPP Resource. All help will be greetly appreciated.
Steve Zaiontz
Hi Mat,
Great site and very well put together tutorials and tips. My question is how can I import to the same location and still have the ability to batch name them in sequence?
When importing to another folder I get the option to custom rename them. That is not the case with the option to import to the same location.
DO I need to do it in Bridge?
I’d love to see some sample Print Templates for the Print Module to use as a starting point to create some of my own. The ones included in LR are fairly traditional and most are in the contact sheet format. I’d enjoy see some that are a little more creative. Thanks.
Mathew Kraus
I love the info and Lightroom. This is the first editing software I have owned (I only picked up my first digital one year ago).
My only problem is that the color in Lightroom is vibrant and wonderful. When I upload photos onto my blog or website (or when I print for that matter) the picture is dulled. Do you know why that is?
I export in sRGB. Is that right?
Hi Matt,
Nice work adding the downloadable Presets.
I’ve used the edge darkening for some time but hadn’t got around to defining them as presets.
I recommend that, for completeness, you add Edge Darkening Off as a useful addition to the set.
While a cmd Z works OK for undoing the preset, using the History palette doesn’t work well if you have multiple photographs to remove a single setting.
When I export to Photoshop for the photographs that deserve further work, I like to turn off sharpening, edge darkening and drop the contrast and any boosted clarity/vibrance/saturation a little.
Having presets loaded to do that keeps the workflow tidy and efficient.
I downloaded Matt’s new presets today and made two changes:
I renamed them to Dark Edge – 1, Dark Edge – 2, and Dark Edge – 3 so that they would sort in order of effect. I added another one named Dark Edge – 0 to remove the effect in case it doesn’t work out.
All of my presets have a removal version; a real time saver.
Matt, I LOVE the presets! Thank you so much for doing these and… them to us! So easy yet so effective. Thanks again!
I subscribe to the podcast thru iTunes, and they really help me brush up on my photo editing tools. The podcast about the surreal edgy effect was really awesome. I use it on my pics, with some changes of course, and I did like what came up. If you guys wanna check them,
Keep up with the good work.
About your friday tip: The Alt-key also works with the balance-slider.
Hey Matt,
I tried something similar a while ago, for a discussion thread in Flickr about getting the “Dave Hill” effect. I did pretty much the same, though I didn’t think about using the saturation slider. I did use the Sharpening and Detail sliders too.
Here’s the thread:
Loved the technique demonstrated in your last vidcast.
I have attempted to achieve this effect in PS and I think that it is actually easier in LR.
Here is my attempt with LR –
Great work, thanks
Just wanted to say how much I appreciated the recent video on creating that ‘edgy’ effect. I always make sure to have a look at all your videos, to be sure I’m not missing some functionality, but the tips with a more creative slant are even more useful. Another recent example was using the lens corrections options to add vignetting deliberately, which had never occurred to me before. Any more tips like these in the pipeline? It’s great to see what you can do without making the switch in photoshop.
hello Math,
I didn’t speek english well but I will try to ask you question. I really
like all your subject and you are a great professor !!! Ok, I watched your video about
your complete workflow. When you start, the value of luminance is at 0 and the contrast is at 0,
why my luminance setting is at 50 at the start ? I shoot in RAW do you have a explanation ?
Thank you a lot
Erik Almas’ work is superb, but realize he is not necessarily shooting these in their entirety with all content in one photograph. He has amazing skill at “creating” his shots. You can see the behind the scenes of one of his images here:
That may change your perspective on his work. He is a master beyond having the perfect person in the perfect scene. He is a master at some serious photoshop creations.
Hi Matt. Still loving your Video Podcast. Just a quick question, and one that a lot of PC to Mac switchers will relate to. By default, new Macs are shipped with a display gamma of 1.8. However, this makes most websites look washed out and lacking in colour. Would you agree that you should switch to 2.2 gamma instead, since most PC and TVs use 2.2? Or is it not that simple? Thanks for your help.
Hi Matt,
What a surprise this week’s video turned out to be!!”! It just shows how versatile and creative you can be in Lightroom. Thanks Matt.
Hi Matt,
Well you’ve just left me stunned!!! Today’s Lightroom video is totally awesome!!! The effect you create from ‘cranking’ up the sliders is superb .. almost “Dave Hill’ like.
Seriously, that is one of the coolext tips / videos I’ve seen in a long time mate .. great job!!!
All the best to you and yours,
>ps … How about showing it on PSUserTV next week?
Edit by Matt K: Thanks Glyn! I really appreciate it. I’ll definitely work it into a show in the coming weeks.
First off, you have an amazing site, i love all the tips and watching all the videos.
I have a quick Lightroom question / problem. When I import my photos to Lightroom and I scroll thprugh them, they seem to change as they are loading.
The colors go from vibrant &bold to very flat and dull looking. Everything looks very pale, and washed out looking. Almost like it is auto adjusting something. But i checked the preferences and the auto adjust is NOT checked.
How can i fix this? Does this happen to you?
Matt – I have a strange thing going on, and I wonder if you have come across it before. I am working on a Mac, in LR 1.2.
Strange things happening in Lightroom with stacks – specifically stack created with v.1.0 before upgrading to 1.1 and then 1.2. Went back to folder containing stacks created in 1.0, and all of the stacks show only 1 photo. Mouse over and it says 1 of 1. Now for the really strange part. I had a collection of some of the photos that had been part of these stacks, and the photos show-up in the collection. If I cntrl-click on a collection photo and choose GO TO FOLDER IN LIBRARY the program jumps to the correct folder and initally shows an empty space. The space is then filled with the image, and mousing on it shows, for example, 28 of 1. It will continue to appear in the folder until I collapes the stack, at which time it disappears. Finally, I tried to reimport one of the missing photos, just to see what would happen. I got the message that the photo would not be imported because it is already present in the catalog.
Any idea what is going on?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Matt: Great videos! I’ve used LR since the Beta period. Your Using Catelogs video really helped me understand a good workflow with this new feature. Now here’s my PROBLEM: The Importing from Catelog doesn’t seem to behave correctly with the recent 1.2 upgrade (Windows version). The problem is that the EXISTING photos are not recognized and thus the import window only wants to import the “existing” photos as new. Anyone else experience this problem?
I had to make a few virtual copies the other day for a duotone class assignment, and ran into an issue–In Kelby’s book, it says that any virtual copies will have that tapered/rolled corner in the library module so you can know visually that it’s a virtual copy… Any virtual copies I made wouldn’t have that dog-ear on the bottom left, so I wasn’t ever sure if I was actually making virtual copies…
This there a setting that I need to turn on for this? Is it because I’m using a Mac?
Hi Matt,
I will change my computer soon and I backed up (move them) all my pictures so all my folders in lightroom became red… as I learned once from your tips. I was wondering… which one is the best way to migrate to another pc, I mean, there are many modifications to my pictures which are saved in Lightroom, virtual copies, website templates, pre-treatment, etc. Is there a way to save them easily to export them to my mew computer? I have seen a Lightroom folder in “my pictures” of 2,65 GB (7988 files)… something to do with it?
Thanks for your answer
Daniel F.
(please send me a copy of the answer to my email, thanks!)
Hi Matt,
Congrats for the good work and nice videos/tips!
[Already suggested the following to LR’s designers but they will not reply, maybe not even read my feature suggestion and less likely take it into account for the next built.] Burn/dodge tools are critical when it comes to editing b&w–they should be available in LR w/o having to open PS. This absence makes LR totally obsolete for b&w photogs–don’t you think? I’ll be more than happy to hear your opinion!
I must have set up incorrectly, because I get several duplicates of my pix into Lightroom, I’ve cleaned up but everytime I start Lightroom the dupes are back. Please help! I’m about to dump Lightromm and go back to iPhoto!!!. I would like to erase the current set up and start all over….correctly this time. Thanks
Hey Matt, I can’t get a slide show to work in 1.1 or 1.2. The screen goes blank when I click “play all” or press “control-enter”. It worked fine in version 1.0. I am using Windows XP Home Edition. Any Ideas?
mike meyer
Hey Matt,
I used to have several different actions that I applied to my photos based on their use (i.e. some would have my website at the bottom, some would have my logo at the bottom etc…) I, of course set all those actions up in Photoshop and then would run the image processor from Bridge.
I haven’t seen much talk about the EXPORT settings in Lightroom, but in working with it on my own have noticed that at the bottom, in the “AFTER EXPORT” dialog box, there’s an option to “Go to Export Actions folder now.” Was just wondering if you could talk a little about the export panel and specifically this option and/or the ability to run actions on processed (or exported) photos.
A. J.
Hi Matt,
Your tutorials are really great.
Regarding lightroom I was wondering if you have a tip on how to add a border and your copyright when you are exporting your images, for the purpose of uploading them to say flickr or some other photo sharing site.
Gret site and very invaluable material. Love all the tips!
Regarding your latest tip about full screen (CTRL-SHIFT-F). I think there’s a bug in Lightroom (I’m using v1.2). I normally have LR open up in Windows in “maximized window” mode. When I press CTRL-SHIFT-F, it first reduces the size of the window, then goes full screen. No problem there, but when I press CTRL-SHIFT-F to return to normal viewing mode, it doesn’t return me to my “maximized window” state. I have to click to maximize the window. Bug?
Hello Matt!
First let me say lightroom killertips rocks!
Now to my question. Do you know of any further web templates for Lightroom
than the ones included in Lightroom?
I am not only looking for new designs but mainly for the possibility to include comments under each pic. Maybe there’s a useful resource
out there you might know about…
Thanks in advance,
Hi Matt,
first of all I’d like to express how thankful I am for your site. Quickly after owning Lightroom I scanned the web for pages like yours, found yours… and immediately stopped searching further. It is clear, unbloated, and straight to the point – exactly what I need. Keep it kicking :).
I’ve got a question for your Q&A section: In collections, the first image imported into the collection is used as preview image for that collection (shown in the upper left corner). However when you change the order of the images later, the preview image remains the same. Is there a way to change that preview image?
With stacks, the content-menu allowes to “select as first from stack” but I can’t find anything like that for collections.
Thanks a lot in advance,
Great site! Your offering of all this free training is awesome. Thank you for everything.
I’m new to Lightroom. Have been using iViewMedia Pro for quite some time. I like photographs and I love the abilities Lightroom has for editing and sorting, but I’ve got a few cameras that take videos as well… and they don’t show up in LR… I’m not surprised. I’m curious what workflows other photographers use to view and sort their movies when they come in on the same CF Card.
Hey Matt,
great site! you really helped speeding up my workflow. thanx:)
i’ve got a little question for your q&a:
is it somehow possible to write exif-data manually? i’m still using scanned analog-prints (*.tif) quite offen and manage them with lightroom. i would find it quite helpful to write lens-type, iso and exposure to exif.
is there any way to do so?
keep up the good work!
greetings from germany, fabio
Just a comment on the Friday tip about Cropping overlays. I find this function in Lightroom really useful when assessing the composition of images, even if I’m not going to crop them. People talk mostly about Rule Of Thirds but forget others like the Golden Spiral.
quick question for us windows users, can lightroom be set up some way to default to importing files into some location on a different drive than c?
Love this site have just recently gone digital and you have been a big help.
Ocasionaly when in auto sync I will aply something like a spot removal to
all photos selected when i really only wanted to apply it to one How can I
remove it from the other Images. Also do you think its in bad taste to have a billboard that says let David Hopkins Shoot Your Children.
Matt –
Attendee at PShop World Boston 2007 – excellent time; hope you’re all well in Vegas.
I’m a high school digital photography teacher (nested within our Yearbook program) and have 12 kids who shoot about 10-15,000 images a year.
We store our photos on a networked (school) drive that each desktop in our lab can access; each kid can work on their layout/editing/photos on their own machine, etc., etc. However, tracking/cataloging the images is tedious/hell at best.
If you’d be able to take 2-3 minutes, could you let me know how I can (or can’t) use Lightroom in this situation – to help us manage a catalog that’ll soon be growing again (now that school’s started)? I use LR at home for my business, and love it…
….but I’ve read at Luminous and other sites that 1.0 (and likely 1.1?) can’t support files stored on networked resources. If our desktops “see” the X: drive (our storage) as another drive (like C:, D:, etc), would LR play along and do fine…?
Too, I have one editor who’ll compile and tag our images for searchability, BUT – could more than one student access the catalog on neighboring computers – each running LR – at 1) the same time or 2) different times?
If you’ve got the time, I’d be in your debt.
Edit by Matt K: Hi Mike. Lightroom version 1 doesn’t support network drives or libraries. I’ve asked the Adobe folks about this and their goal with version 1 was to get it right on one computer first. I’m sure this will be addressed later but it’s not there yet. Good luck!
just found your site afte googling ‘sharpening in lightroom 1.1’…. great tutorial and the sept 4 tip was a problem i encountered….however, you solution doesnt work for me, it only allows me to spin the photo ‘behind’ the crop rectangle to 45 degrees either way! Can you help please?
Is there a way to control the positioning of the Copyright watermark on photos before and after export? Portrait photos seem to have it placed on the left vertical margin and landscapes have it on the bottom – would prefer it be on the bottom for all photos – Thanks
Thank you for a great show. You are simply the best.
I have a big problem though. I have a couple of thousand raw (NEF) images I have edited in Capture NX (and I may also want to use Capture NX for a few pictures in the future) but I want to use the library module in Lightroom regardless of it being edited in Lightroom or in Capture NX.
Is there any feasible of doing this? Can I have a jpeg as a thumbnail for the raw image for example?
Thanks again,
Another question – in the Web module you gave a tip to put a link to the gallery home page using the identity plate. You said that an email or web URL field is present below the identity plate field in Lightroom 1.1.
I’ve got 1.1 and this field doesn’t exist. There is a field for “contact” which does have an email/web URL field below it, but nothing below the identity plate field.
Can you give any advice about opening images for editing on Photoshop from Lightroom.
For example, is it better to open as a TIFF or as a PSD? It seems I get more detail & range with a TIFF but I’m not sure.
Also, why cant I open the original unedited RAW into Photoshop from Lightroom?
Edit by Matt K: Hi. I personally prefer PSD because it’s the native Photoshop format. You can’t edit a raw image in Photoshop from Lightroom just like you can’t edit a raw photo from ACR. It’s a raw photo and in Photoshop you’re starting to mess with pixel-level information. You can’t do that to raw so you’ll have to work on a copy and save it off as something else (ie. PSD, JPEG, etc…).
Matt,Thanks for all that you do for the photographic community!
always have enjoyed all of your tutorials….o.k ….there was one….just kidding
When you crop a raw image say to 4×5 inch in lightroom.Then open that same image in photoshop ….Why is it a different size…..not a 4×5…it is the same ratio though.Have also had same problem when exporting….to get around problem when exporting I constrained the size limit to a 5x 5.
On same note is there a way to export different cropped sizes at the same time….example when I send to my lab for a clients order of different sizes.
Oh one other tip I stumbled upon…. that is sooooo cool…. when in the crop mode….hold down the o key & you will see different cropping templates for composition.the rule of thirds,golden spiral,golden ratio,& several others…they all change as you change your crop
then shift o will rotate template
Hi Matt,
What timing with the crop aspect tip… I was trying to figure this out just tonight!!! So now I can go back to that photo 🙂
Hi Matt, I would like to see a extensive video on lightroom’s DAM functionality & key wording theory. How to use LR for your DAM needs, its plus & minuses highlighted.
Thanks for the other videos they are a great resource for learning, I will be visiting more often now.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the September 4th tip … I’ve been wondering that for a while :o)
Have a fantastic time at Photoshop World this week. Really wish I could be with you all, but no worry … roll on April 2008 (not that I’m wishing my life away you understand :o)
All the best to you and yours,
Edit by Matt K: Thanks Glyn. It won’t be the same this year without you 🙂 See you in Orlando hopefully!
Hello Matt,
Can you provide info as to the best/correct method to suggest features/changes to Lightroom. Also, is there a public list of previous suggestions and an “acceptance status” from Adobe ?
Thanks in advance, Regards
Richard – Dubai
Edit by Matt K: Hi Richard. You can go to the Adobe forums at
Hey Matt. I enjoy your column, and your sense of humor. Could you please elaborate on how to upsize in Lightroom, as mentioned last Friday? I can’t figure out how to do it myself.
Dear Matt,
– Thanks for your below reply on ‘Camera Calibration’!
– Re: ‘automatically apply the same settings to the same type of shots’, thanks for the link to your video but–sorry I wasn’t clear–this is not what I was talking about! 1.1 supports the saving and application of user defined develop settings on a camera model, serial number and/or ISO rating basis automatically during import. I’ve done my homework but the updated manual unfortunately provides only limited information on this new feature. Have you tried it yet?
Have a great Labor Day week end! Cheers–Florent.
Lightroom problem.. when I import photo’s I do not see the photos in preview. (just a blank space) Therefore if I have not formatted my card, I basically have to re-import all, skipping the duplicates. Takes a lot longer this way. I am up to date on video drivers on the machine.. Any thoughts, as to what I should do, other that uninstalling, deleting all references in the registry, and re-installing.. Love the killer tips, I have learned quite a bit, just using this site.
Hi, I find myself going to Lightroom Killer Tips every day to see what’s new, and I’ve learned a lot. My problem is, I like to put a stroke border on my photos but the only place in Lightroom I’ve found to do this is in the Slideshow module, which doesn’t help me at all during export. Do you know of any way I can export a stroked photo besides going to Photoshop?
Edit by Matt K: Hi Ed. Unfortunately you’re correct. You can put strokes around photos in Slideshow and in Print. But not during export. You could write an action for it and let Photoshop take care of it for you after export.
Great stuff.
I have two questions.
1. Is there a way to get the camera calibration settings for each camera that I use to stick so that they are applied to that cameras RAW images as they are previewed? In ACR you can set these calibrations as default, but I cannot find a way to do this in Lightroom. I can set those calabrations as a preset for each camera, but then have to sort through the images to apply those settings for each camera.
2. Is there any way to have your image imported back to your catalog as you export them? As far as I know, when you export a file it is no longer in the Lightroom database. The reason I ask is I would like to do some finishing to the image such as sharpening, after I optimize, resize, convert from RAW. and export them. I realize that I could just open them in PS3 after export, but for most images, would rather finish the job in Lightroom.
Hi Matt,
Thanx as always for the great tips and all! 2 quick questions that may require long answers:
– How does the ‘Camera Calibration’ panel of the Develop module work? At first sight its name may sound self-explanatory but it’s not!
– How to automatically apply the same settings to the same type of shots? E.g. vignetting to wide angle shots? I heard there is a function for that in 1.1 but while it’s self-explanatory the ‘how to’ is not clear!
Thanks in advance!
Edit by Matt K: Hi. First, Camera Calibration is used for calibrating your camera when you notice a consistent color cast in your photos as a result of the camera. Most people never need to do this (including myself). However, if you do notice a consistent color cast then correct that cast using the settings in Camera Calibration. If your photos appear Red or Magenta then move the Red/Cyan slider toward Cyan (to the right). Then save this as a preset so you can apply to your shots later.
Next, check out this link for an answer to your other question.
Im looking for a way to have the flash gallery I create in Lightroom autoplay upon opening. Is there a way Lightroom can adjust this setting or can I manipulate the code? Thanks
Edit by Matt K: Steven. Great question but I’m not sure. My guess is that just about anything is possible if you know how to go in there and modify the code. Good luck!
I like making photographs, but I don’t use the word “shoot” to describe what I do.. I like your tips, but I think it’s too bad you choose to use a form of the word “kill” to describe them.
Edit by Matt K: Ah! Too bad indeed. I’ll have to go “shoot” the person whoever invented the term “shoot” for making photos, and thus caused millions of other people in the world to use it as well. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 🙂
Can Lightroom import photos directly from a Canon Rebel XT during a photoshoot? Currently the photos appear in Canon’s photo editing program. I would like to take advantage of Lightroom’s brilliant interface during a photoshoot.
Edit by Matt K: Hi Chad. I wrote an article on this in the first issue of Darkroom Magazine (Photoshop User mag). So if you’re a NAPP member look back and you should find it. Otherwise, it does sound like a good tutorial for the site so I’ll see if I can work it in to the lineup. Thanks!
Great video on adding the grunge effect border. Got to the point of importing the border into my identity plate and then discovered .psd is for Mac version only. Is there a Windows solution?
Dear Matt,
Thank you for the video tutorials. I’m having a problem with the Border Printing
tutorial using the grunge frame. I’m using a PC with Lightroom 1.1 and CS3
running on Windows XP. Up to the point of locating the transparent frame everything works fine, However on trying to import the Frame.psd as saved, Lightroom refuses to accept the file calling it invalid when I drop it from the desktop and Widows XP refuses to show it on the desktop.
Can you help?
Gareth North Wales UK
hey Matt,
i really love your podcast,
do you actually live in Bruges or is it just that all your pictures seem to been taken there,
I live there and it’s marvelous.
Edit by Matt K: Nope. I live in Tampa, FL. I just vacationed there in May.
I just found this site from Scott Kelby’s and I love it. I’m hoping you can help me with something that keeps holding me up. When locking an image to a crop aspect ratio, lightroom forces the ratio to match the image layout, so vertical will be 8X10 and horizontal will be 10X8. There are times when I want a vertical crop in a horizontal photo, but still want the aspect constraint. Is there a way to get lightroom to figure this out?
Edit by Matt K: Hi Justin. When cropping you can grab one of the corner handles. Then if you swing it around the outside of the photo like you’re rotating it it will jump to the opposite of whatever it already is (vertical/horizontal).
Great tips and videos. I’m true follower.
I just watched both the Archive Video and Catalog Video…and putting the two together, I thought, if an exported catalog can contain the images, and all the meta data about them, can’t that just be used as an archive??
Just curius. That way I can export catalogs as a way of backing up/archiving old stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Matt,
Killer Product, Killer Tips…
In Library Module, under the Keywording Panel, I often need more than the 9 keywords that are available per keyword pre-set setting. There seems to be an real waste of space when the other panels are closed and I need 15 pre-set keyword buttons but only have 9. Do you know if there is any setting, tweak or workaround that will allow me to increase that number.
Best Regards
Richard G – Dubai
Hi Matt
Thanks for providing this inspiring resource for us Lightroom fans!
Just watched the video about the “Desaturated Effect”. This truly is a great way to add creative effects to your photos, and I thought of a useful add-on to that technique:
Instead of bringing back saturation to the subject by dragging the sliders use the targeted adjustment tool, TAT. This will bring back the original color, typically changing two sliders.
There are obviously drawbacks to this:
– You have a higher “risk” of getting color back to other parts of the photo (like the bricks in your video)
– You might be specifically seeking to bring out a cleaner color than the original
– It is less useful to save a preset since multiple sliders are adjusted
For these reasons I call this suggestion an addon to the technique, rather than an improvement 🙂
Hi Matt,
Great tips…thanks for keeping it going :o)
Just a quick question if you don’t mind, which isn’t directly Lightroom related….Scott mentioned in this weeks episode of PhotoshopUser TV that you have a new book coming out in the next few weeks, called “Layers”. I’ve searched on and .com to put in a pre order but at the moment it’s not listed. Have you any idea as to when it’s expected to be released for general sale?
Thanks for your time with this,
All the best to you and yours,
Thanks for a great site with killer tips! 🙂
I saw one tip a while back regarding archiving and the fact that is all manual. I was wondering however how backup is supposed to be done on the information that Lightroom keeps (collections, image stacks etc)?
Edit by Matt K:Sure… Go to File > Catalog Settings and set up your back up preferences there.
I copied my Lightroom database file – Lightroom Catalog.lrcat – from my desktop (Windows based) to my laptop (Vista based).
Howver, on opening the Catalog file, while the folders are there and can be opened, the spaces where the images should be on the screen or in the filmsrtip are all BLANK although they do show the file number and star rating.
I have tried this several times over the past month but always with the same result.
Alan B.
Edit by Matt K:Hi Alan. Sorry, haven’t seen this happen before. Sounds like something you should report to Adobe tech support though to see if they can help. Good luck.
Brilliant tutorials – To the point and very informative.
I seem unable to bring up the filters panel on the left hand side and use it as you do in your tutorial on sorting. Anybody else with this problem would be delighted to find out how to activate it.
Seamus Finn,
Edit by Matt K: Hi Seamus. The Filter panel is no longer in LR 1.1. You can use the Find panel now.
I enjoy very much watching the tutorials and reading the great tips, keep up the good work. We appreciate it !
A quick question I do enjoy alot been able to create virtual copies of the same picture to see what you like or dislike, however once a find the effect I want, how do I save this new virtual copy as a jpeg or tiff and also keep the original. I’m a bit confused as to how to do this, so your help input will be appreciated.
Thans a bunch
Victor from sunny Texas
On August 3 you published a short-cut for assessing the TAT tools. Is thereOn August 3 you published a short-cut for selecting the TAT tools. Is there a short-cut for putting them away?invariably, I forget to put them away, and end up making changes I don’t want to make.
Thanks for all your tips! Excellent.
Edit by Matt K: Hi. I just hit the Escape key.
Firstly, Thank You for an excellent site, the momentum that is being gained by Lightroom as the “De Facto Workflow” tool for Digital Photographers is phenomenal, and this kind of peripheral support is absolutely invaluable, Thank You.
My Question :
I have created a Slideshow within the the User Templates, but cannot find the means to set it as the default slideshow associated with the keyboard short cut.
Is there “Set as Default” Option or does it use the last selected Slideshow Preset as the default?
(why does it feel like I just answered my own question?)
Best Regards
Richard G – Dubai
Congratulations on an excellent and informative site.
Is there a way in Lightroom of achieving the colour boost (PoP) that we use in Photoshop in LAB mode where we adjust the A and B channels by steepening the curve gradient. In other words – how can we achieve the same ‘popping’ effect in Lightroom without the need to go across into Photoshop?
Thanks in anticipation of your advice.
Geoff W – Australia
I have become addicted to checking the Lightroom Killer Tips site everyday! It is by far the best site for Lightroom tips.
I would love to see some tips on handling digital noise. I still use Noise Ninja but I would love to get rid of that step in my workflow. I’m not even sure at which point I should be looking at noise reduction. Seems like it should be right after white balance and exposure adjustments but the arrangement of the Develop tools doesn’t follow that flow. ???
I’m not convinced that converting RAW images to DNG is a good thing yet. Any information about that would be helpful too.
Keep up the great work.
Edit by Matt K: Thanks. When it comes to editing the raw file noise reduction can come at the end of the workflow. Just work from top down through the panels that you need. That said, Noise Ninja is awesome and LR is probably not there yet so I doubt that step is going to leave your workflow. Take care!
Hi Matt,
Again, thanks for the excellent killer tips and videos 🙂
I enjoyed the slideshow & sharpening videos. However, when pics are displayed as a slideshow, they’re resized for on-screen display and the pre-sharpening may not be enough. Pics would likely need to be post-resizing sharpened; bottom line, they may look soft in the slideshow module. Any suggestion/advice?
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work! Cheers–Florent.
I have the same remark as jay. I also have about 25,000 in my main database and a few separate databases for some large and closed projects.
I love Lightroom but it has become indeed VERY slow; and i can even say i have one of the latest computers of the moment.
Continue the great work, i have enjoyed many movies and tips. Not only for the content, but also for the very smooth and fluent presentation!
really appreciate your job dude.
discovered lightroom 3 mounths ago and your tips are really helping me mastering it !
thank you
I have been using lightroom 1.1
I have about 25,000 photos in my catalog
I must say, I LOVE the functionality of lightroom..
But it is the slowest damn program I have ever used. It takes like 30-40seconds for it to LOAD , it says “working” or “loading”
The grid shows rasterized previews forever until I go into develop mode which is also slow
I have optimized it, I have updated it and followed all the tips
Any other ideas?
PLEASE email me back some solution or ideas here please
Also, I would LOVE to see Bridge and Lightroom combined..its redundant to have both…I prefer Bridge’s abilityt to browse images and lightroom;’s ability to edit. It should be combined
Thanks for the great podcasts guys!
I’m a BIG FAN of Lightroom, but…
If you happen to have any influence with the Adobe Lightroom designers, I’d like you to advocate for something: Dodge and Burn… How can Adobe justify calling it “Lightroom”, a direct reference to a “darkroom”, without offering Dodge and Burn? Seems dishonest somehow… Wouldn’t it be cool to work dodge/burn into RAW processing with all the extra shadow/detail info that RAW files hold?… wow!
And it’s too bad that we can’t add a proper lens vignette AFTER after a crop.
I enjoy and appreciate your hard work… thanks.
-patrick cavan brown ::
Edit by Matt K: I couldn’t agree more. Those are two of the top features I’d like to see in the next version as well. Great suggestion.
Hi Matt
Just a quick note to thank you for the Photoshop Lightroom book, which arrived yesterday. The signature from Scott Kelby makes it especially nice. I’ve downloaded and incorporated the 1.1 update to the book and spent the whole day yesterday playing with the book and some of my 60 year archive of 35 mm slides and images. With my two new LaCie 1 Terabyte exteranl drives, the CS3 and Lightroom software, I am learning the very best way to manage all my images.
When I installed and started working with CS3, I thought that I would not get into lightroom at all. But now it is my import and management tool of choice. It couldn’t have come at a better time.
I just viewed the external editor video and made immediate use of it, playing with my images.
The problem for me now is a fun one. Shall I spend more time making those old archived files the best that they can be, or more time out and about shooting?
Thanks you for the great info on this podcast, and for all your Photoshop training.
Trudy Kasper
Hi Matt. I love your Lightroom Killer Tips AND Photoshop Killer Tips podcasts. They’re so educational, entertaining and interesting. I always learn something new watching them and I never switch off out of boredom (unlike some other podcasts). Keep up the excellent work.
As a new Mac user I was wondering, what do you use to control Lightroom? Have you got a favourite mouse or graphics tablet you recommend? This Apple Mighty Mouse here is giving me a horrible pain in my wrist. Owww.
Edit by Matt K: I’m not much of a tablet user. I love them but mainly because I’m usually mobile and using my trackpad. I personally can’t stand Apple’s mice and keyboards. I get huge pains from them too. I have a Logitech S530 Wireless Keyboard and mouse that is awesome. I love it! They make great PC products too.
Hi Matt
Thanks for taking time to produce the LR killer tips. They are extremely helpful. With your tips and Scott’s LR book I work with LR with confidence.
I do have one question. How do I activate the “Import photos from device” option? I can’t seem to find an answer in any reference material.
Edit by Matt K: Thanks for the kind words Dennis.
Hi Matt,
Referencing your July 13th post on linking back to a home page, there is another method if you don’t want to give up your name plate. You can always use the Contact Info section. Rename it to “Homepage” or what ever you want and then put the html address in the “Web or Mail Link” section. (Credit to photographer Michael Palmer for showing me this great tip.
Edit by Matt K: Thanks Jeff! Great tip.
Hey Matt,
Glad you liked John Lehet web site.
I found this site and felt I had to email Scott about it.
He put on his blog, I guess he told you about the web site.
I love the infrared photos, WOW.
It would be nice, if possible, to a lightroom version of this technique.
Thanks for the Killer tips.
Oh yeah, I ordered your book “Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips”
from Amazon Canada and should be getting it sometime this fall.
Harold Blouin
Hi Matt!,
this is Chris from Germany! Thanks for your great Podcast(s)!
I really enjoy ’em!
regarding the archive issue in Lightroom: when I “moved” folders for archive purposes to an external drive or CD (both named / numbered according to a strict scheme), there’s a trick to “remember” where you left the photos. Just enter the name/identification of the archival drive or CD as a keyword in the metadata of every photo in the folder… that way, the location of the originals is always connected to the photos in the library… this way, you cannot loose track of the originals.
Letme congratulate you not only as always for the
very high quality of your killertips, but also for the
great improvement you did to the quality of the
latest videos.
Boy you are good
Felipe Henao
Hey Matt,
Just curious to know whether you planned on spelling Lightroom as Lightrom on purpose on the intro screen of your video cast ?
Great Video cast BTW
Edit by Matt K: Thnks Prter. R U incinuating I hve a spelllng problemn?
“Sunrise Sunset” great site. Going to Alaska in Sept, to make some photographs, this will be a great site to take with me.
thanks again
Hey Matt, I’m a NAPP member and have checked out your videos. I’ve been demoing LightRoom, and I’m just confused. It seems that none of the cool white-balance adjustments I did for a group of photos (JPEG) is showing on my original images. Lightroom is great to make those easy adjustments when I made a mistake setting my camera light meter to flourescent and shooting in the sun … well, you can imagine the photos came back with a tint, but I fixed it in Lightroom, but now I want to make my Lightroom changes “stick” but the original photos are still showing the hue, and I cannot seem to get lightroom export them with the develop adjustments I’ve made. Am I doing something wrong?
You’re the best, Matt. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
I was wondering if anyone has been talking about or looking for or looking to add a feature to LTRM to simulate a graduated ND filter effect. Even though LTRM is a metadata-editor, this doesn’t seem like it would be harder than eliminating dust spots.
Hi Matt
I’m completely hooked on your site, the videos, the books, the whole show. I’ve been with photoshop almost since the beginning and I love how Lightroom is taking the whole workflow and making everything so smooth. I’m using it for a monster project with lots of assignments from various places and I’m finding your various tips extremely useful.
One thing I have to ask: a lot of agency and traveling photographers are asking why the ftp command is only to a web site and not an ftp site. This makes photographers step out of Lightroom if they need to transmit photos back to the desk and that is a pain. Is there a better way I have missed?
In any case, keep up the great work.
AP Hovasse in Montrea
Hi Matt,
regarding your “Archiving with Lightroom” video, it is totally possible for Lightroom to tell you where you have moved the files to. Try this:
1. Quit Lightoom.
2. In the Finder on Mac OS X (or Explorer on PCs), burn a folder of images that have been imported into Lightoom to DVD, then delete that folder from your hard drive.
3. Restart Lightroom and try and click on the name of the folder that you just deleted in the Folders list. It should turn red, indicating it is off-line. Right click on it to “Locate Missing Folder” and redirect it to the new folder on the DVD you just burnt.
4. From now on, if the DVD is present in the drive, that folder will show up white (present) in the Folders list. If the DVD is not in the drive, the folder will be red (off-line). You still have all your previews etc, and if you click on a “Question Marked” image from that folder, a dialog box will pop up saying: “The photo (name) could not be used as the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?” with a “Previous location” field underneath it, directing you to the right folder on the right DVD. Easy!
Hi Matt,
Thanx a lot for your ‘Archiving Photo’ video–helps a lot!
Can’t wait for the next tips!
Matt, just watched your “Archive Video for Lightroom.
One way that I have done it is to add a keyword to indicate which DVD I have stored particular photos on. That makes it simple to locate where I have archived them.
Hope that helps.
Matt, I look forward to you regular tips and info on this blog as I always find something interesting. You’ve been missing from NAPPTV (Photoshop TV) for a while. Can you tell me which lake is featured in the photo from your GAP Banff workshop.
I’m fortunate enough to have a brother who works in Banff and I’m going to visit next week.
It looks like you missed a good pool party episode at Dave’s.
Hope to here from you but I know you’re quite busy.
Bryan Nelson
P.S. What the heck is “have you ever seen a purple cow” at the end of the pool party show credits?
EDIT by Matt K: Bryan, it’s Lake Moraine. Enjoy!
Hi Matt,
This is a link to a photo that slightly desaturates the color and uses some split toning but I have not been able to achieve the same effects. Could you do a video one producing similiar techniques?
I just have to say how much I enjoy your video tutorials…thanks to Scott’s book, both beta and in print, and video tutorials like yours, I’m pretty much up to speed in Lightroom (and I’m totally addicted to the program). But the clarity and focus of your tutorials are what makes them great. They’re so user friendly I’m going to take on CS3 (using your videos and Scott’s upcoming book, of course!). Add me to your fan list…thank you!
Carol Parker
Just found this new online exif viewer that i thought you might appreciate — you can get all the exif metadata right in your browser instead of using some software utility.
I just wanted to say that I have found this site very useful. I appreciate the amount of work you have put in especially the videos.
If you are ever interested in running some photo class holidays in Europe drop me a line.
Kind regards,
I have enjoy your show and ligthroom tips very much look forward to watching more
thanks mike
Question: What is the shortcut for the Remove Spots tool?
Answer: N
Congrats to:
Jonathan Isaacs and Gertrude S Kasper. You’ll get a signed copy of Scott Kelby’s Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers. Thanks!
– Matt K
I had the chance to meet you and talk some on May 30th during the Adobe Live at Amsterdam. I don’t know if you remember everybody you spoke those two days, but we talked amongst other about our plans to immigrate to Texas.
I enjoyed your presentations, not only for all the techniques, but especially for the inspiration.
I asked you a question if the Range Sliders in the curve dialog would change the regions of the Recovery, Fill Light and Black sliders in the Histogram.
I checked for myself as soon as I got home. The regions in the Histogram appear to be fixed and the Range Sliders have no effect on these regions what so ever.
I have another question on Lightroom.
If I open a RAW file in the Adobe Camera Raw I have the ability of enlarging the photo. Since I own “only’ a Canon 10D, I am always looking for possibilities to print on 11 by 17 inch. I know I can enlarge in the Print module, but what are my limitations on this?
Matt, give my regards to all of you Photoshop Guys, keep up the work you do. It’s a real inspiration.
Emco Jellema from the Netherlands
Matt, you are doing a killer job with this site! (no pun intended) I have just 2 questions, that would make my life much simpler. I am a professional photographer, mainly photographing weddings, however always doing some type of creative project. Anyhow, here’s my question.
When does lightroom apply the changes to the actual raw files. For instance, I have 300 files that I am working on in Lightroom on my PC. I want to be able to pick up on editing, where I left off…on my laptop across my home network.
EDIT by Matt K: Nope, LR doesn’t support this.
If I, placed all the RAW files on a central server, then imported them into Lighroom on my laptop, will it remember the settings I applied on the PC?
EDIT by Matt K: Again, LR doesn’t support network libraries. Sorry 🙂
I hope this makes sense!
Nick Haskins
Hi Matt,
Really enjoyed your workshops (live workflow, lightroom and PS CS3) in Amsterdam.
I don’t think you realized that when the loudspeakers were announcing a chance in the programme (thursday, just after they shut off the music 😉 )and you would be on the main stage doing Photoshop CS 3 Extended they called it “Photoshop CS3 Accidental” 😉
I’m sure you would have made a nice joke if you had heard it.
Anyway: great day and good workshops by you and Katrin Eismann.
Keep up the good work and maybe “tot ziens” (indeed, Dutch for goodbye or “see you”)
Hey I just read that you are comming to Brussels! I am sorry I can´t be at the workshop, but welcome here! Hope you will have a good time teaching and eating chocolate or drinking beer… both is excellent. Katarina
Hi Matt,
Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Thanks so much for taking the time to put together these fantastic tutorials and valuable tips. You have made my learning process on Lightroom really smooth, and a big part of it is because you explain things in a very fun and casual way. It is like chatting with a friend instead of listening to a presentation.
I’d love to see a podcast on the Camera Calibration and Lens Correction features in LR. I’m interersted in underwater photography, and as there are no reds in pictures taken below 15ft I’m always looking for ways to correct the “all blue” photographs. (besides alternative light sources, of course).
Thanks again!
Hey Matt;
Thanks for the Killer tips…
I couldn’t understand the url for the photo workshop in the May 15 tip ? Was it ?
Lou Dallara
Edit (from Matt): Thanks Lou
The workshop’s are at
– Matt K
I loved your video on Lightroom shortcuts. Much-needed.
I thought you should have ended it, “if you don’t like this video on shortcuts, well, hit Control Alt Delete” 😛
I really enjoyed your Camera Raw video on Photoshopuser website. I have been using it for a while but just eyballing it and I wasn’t sure what the function of the brightness slider was. It seemed like just another exposure slider to me. Is there any chance for another edition that will cover some of the controls not covered in the first video? Or maybe one using Lightroom?
thanks for all your fine videos. I’ve been working my way through them.
Edit by Matt K: Yep, I’m working on it! Thanks.
Thanks, Matt. Your Lightroom KIller Tips have really hastened the learning curve for me on this program. You do a great job on all these tutorials and on Photoshop TV — I especially like the references to other blogs and web sites (many of which have been very helpful).
Chas Leck (
Matt, I just purchased Lightroom and am thrilled with everthing I have learned so far. This web site is an amazing source for instruction. Thanks for all of your work in teaching myself and others. David
Hey Mat. I don’t think you have covered this before so I’m just throwing it out there. I really like the ability to export the copyright metadata right out of Lightroom, however, the copyright stamp on the photo is extremely small and in a location where it is easily cropped out of the photo. I’ve seen your tutorial on creating actions to insert copyright watermarks and it works great, but I’d like to be able to incorporate that kind of step right out of Lightroom. Can you edit things like font, size, color, opacity, etc of the Lightroom copyright export?
In your Develop Presets video you might have mentioned Inside Lightroom which has a huge number of Develop Presets!!!
Hey Matt.
I’ve liked all your tutorials and have appreciated the insights you bring into Photoshop and Lightroom. That said, I have a question for you….
Lightroom is a great application and all, but both it and Bridge throws out ALL OF MY SETTINGS from my Canon. I take all my photos in RAW format and occasionally like to shoot in black & white mode…however once I bring them in with either Bridge or Lightroom, they irreverently discard all of my presets and change them from black and white to color.
The last thing I want to do is have to open them in Canon’s software as it’s a clunky application and disrupts my workflow. I’d really like to see a video podcast tip on how to deal with Adobe’s inability to accept a camera’s effect settings.
(And I know I *could* shoot in RAW/JPEG…but working in JPEG kinda defeats the purpose of shooting in RAW to begin with.)
I have a question about Lightroom and Photoshop and how they work together.
I have an image I’ve processed in Lightroom. I right click on it to “edit in Adobe Photoshop CS3”, choose to “edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments”, I do my cloning or masking or whatever in CS3, then how do I send the final edited version of the image back into Lightroom? Is there a quicker easier way than saving it to a folder, and then importing from inside Lightroom?
Answer: Nope 🙂
Hi Matt,
I want to tell you what a wonderful teacher you are. I just watched your video on tone curves and actually understood it!!! You are GREAT at explaining it….as well as explaining everything else that you do.
It made me realize what a difference a good teacher makes. In college when I didn’t understand something, I assumed it was ME and not the professor. Now I’m seeing how some people are just better at explaining things than others.
I’m off to see what else you can teach me. 🙂
LOVE the videos. I would much rather have that than a book.
Keep up the good work!!
I am an avid,novice photographer with a brand new Nikon D80 that I love. This of course led to Photoshop and there I found…SCOTT KELBY!!!I His book saved my scalp from the hair pulling! I had heard about LightRoom coming out and downloaded the TRIAL VERSION and that DAY went and got Scott;s Light Room book! I read it from cover to cover before even opening up the program! I had bought the NIKON CAPTURE NX software and all I am going to say is ….NOT CONSUMER FRIENDLY… no help tutorils, no workflow guidance, no help getting started..But, there are good things in this world and YOU, MATT are one of them. Between you and Scott, I know that I am but a picture away from breathtaking. Thank you!!!!!
Your LR tutorials get better and better, Matt. Please consider evaluating the usefulness of LR sharpening compared with Photoshop. Thanks for a great site.
I love your podcasts! THANK YOU!!!
Here’s something , that Id loooove an answer to…(hint hint) 🙂 Please email a response
1. I dont understand why the need for Bridge and Lightroom? Why the heck arent hey ONE program..its like overkill!
2. Is there a way to just browse photos like you can in Bridge or in Picasa? I hate having to IMPORT everything, I want to just be able to browse or quickly view my photos ? Can Lightroom do this?
Hi Matt, thanks so much for the excellent tips! I appreciate them so much. I do have a question on the little circle thingy (for lack of a better terminology) in the develop module HSL and Tone Curve palettes. I know you can click on it and then it allows you to make your adjustments directly on the image. My question is – can I do that while I am zoomed in on an image?
Thanks again for the amazing tips. PSTV is awesome too! I can’t believe it took me this long to discover you guys!
Mr Matt Kloskowski
Once more thankyou for your expensive time .
When I say expensive means someone with your human
quality to teach and the motivation you ” inkjet ” has
two ways to be , one to teach at 5 thousand dollars an hour
or two to do what you do motivating us the lightroom
By the way please check my web page and sendme your
opinion at the section CONTACTENOS
I don’t know if you take requests, but I would like to use the Web feature in LR so that I can post a few galleries. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to the export to export reasonable sized images?
I shoot in RAW, have them “developed” (for color, sharpness and exposer), and have selected a default format and 15 images yielded a 10.5mb gallery. (Not very useful on the web!)
Please help!
Edit by Matt K: Under Output Settings you may want to check your quality setting. Make it somewhere between 60-70.
Matt – just got my copy of Lightroom and have spent the day devouring your site . . . We met briefly on the way down from the 22 floor to Photoshop World Boston and I just wanted to say it was a pleasure talking with you and keep up the great work! It’s very much appreciated!
Paul Michael Kane
Edit: Thanks Paul, I remember the elevator ride. Great to meet you! …Matt
Great Website!!!
My brain hurts.
So much cool information it is hard to assimilate it all!
Well done – love the podcasts.
Hi Matt, Nice Crop tip. You can also hold the Shift Key when dragging a crop to temporarily lock aspect ratio.
What if you have miirored drives, how do you save all the settings(develope settings, keywords, etc.) for backed up drives. Also why does the hierarchy menu only start with folders/name of current folder/filename…what about harddrive name first? Bad flaw or am I missing something? Tia
Matt – I’ve written a tutorial on my site regarding how to disable the
default sharpening in Lightroom via a develop preset & the Import module.
Obviously this is relatively basic stuff, but I’ve seen several people on
the forums asking about how to do just this!
You can find the article here:
Hey Matt – great tips on this site; I’ve really enjoyed your stuff on PSTV also!
I’ve written a post on my blog about how to use the split toning feature of Lightroom and the new CS3 ACR4. Check it out!
I just spent about a half hour browsing this site after discovering less than an hour go and had no idea how much great information is on this site. My browser homepage is now
I just viewed Matt Kloskowski video on Adobe lightrom curves and this is the kind of material amateurs like me need to know about to be become better photographers. How do we get notified when short video tutorials like this are available?
Matt, I really enjoyed your videos and learnt a lot from them and from your tipps. May I have a question ? I could not find any advise how to delete a metadata preset in Lightroom or how to edit it to make amendments. Would you have any advise for me ?
Thank you very much
I found the answer in the meantime. You can find all the presets in the application date. Thank you
Hi Matt
first of all, really great page you got here, thanks alot!!!
are you planning to do a video on the split toning feature sometime soon?
i would really love to see this explained a little more, as i’m not really sure yet how and when to use it.
Hi Matt: Really enjoy your videos. One thing I really don’t understand — when you click and drag one of the color sliders in HSL (with Hue selected), I am puzzled. For example, if I choose something that is red and drag the Red slider to the right, it goes Orange. If I drag it to the left, it goes blueish purple. What is going on here?
Thank you for this site! I’ve already learned a great deal from Matt on a few segments I’ve watched. I’m going to watch the latest from Scott Kelby when I have a moment. By the way, Scott’s book on Photoshop Elements 5 is amazing. I’ve ordered his book on Lightroom (I’m waiting the arrival since it doesn’t release until the end of this month). I look forward to it! I’ve been working in Lightroom (got it a few weeks ago) and would ask for any feedback on some photos I took with my Canon 30D using an on-camera 430EX flash. Any feedback on skin tones, contrast would be greatly appreciated. Please view and give me any advice on how I could improve the overall color, look. Thanks for a great site and for the inspiration to grow in photography. I’ve ordered some real studio lighting with a two-light set-up. Hopefully, that will improve light control!
I found the tip on Quick Develop really useful. I had not realised that you could expand the basic tools.
Many thanks – I will come back to your site.
Joe Barrett
The Image-Space
This is a great site!! As a new user of Lightroom [as soon as I get it from my supplier] I appreciate the instructional videos and other tips you have. Thanks very much!
Hey Matt!
I really like you tutorials. Helps me a lot when it comes to “getting started”.
Can you explain a little bit about how to export photos?
What a helpful site! Thank you for your video on exporting photos from Lightroom. After exporting, how do I place a photo on my blogspot place?
Thank you so much.
Great tips and tricks – I’ve learned a lot of new stuff. There is one thing, though, that I need to know. If I want to move my lightroom collections onto a new machine (preserving all the changes and settings that I’ve made to the pictures) how do I do that? I’ve bought a new laptop and need to transfer everything across.
Good work with the LR Killer Tips.
Suggested Topic:
Can you cover how to manage, backup and protect, your processed files. For example, I have a notebook computer which has limited hard disk space. It is my primary editing platform, but I need to use a lot of external (USB HDD) storage. Can you suggest how to move my Lightroom edited and Virtual copies to storage (off the notebook) and not lose the valuable editing information. I currently move the files to the USB HDD and then re-locate the files in Lightroom, but it does make the Lightroom database big, and the actual processing information is not saved ‘with’ the actual files.
GORGEOUS VIDEOS !. Congratulations for the good work.
Here is a tip that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere: Option+digit assigns the associated keyword from the current keyword set to the selected pictures.
I am really excited about having the video tutorials on the web and have downloaded them to my special “Light Room” folder for future reference. This is definitely a much faster and fun way to learn Light Room!
The tips and videos on this site are just awesome. While I’m here, just to let you know, I bought your Speed Clinic book recently and it rocks. Its so cool and have taught me heaps.
Thanks for being there Matt. Goes for Scott Kelby and Dave Cross too.
I think that Matt does a terrific job with these tutorials and i do get a lot out of them. I do look forward to getting Lightroom for my Mac and having some fun editing my images.
The tutorials have been excellent , especially curves and white balance. Lightroom is incredible and will give my work a real boost. You guys are fantastic!
This site is terrific and very helpful. I notice that Version 1.0 has the ability to set up keyword sets. A tutorial on setting up and using this would be great. Another tutorial of interest to me would be “where things are”. For example how to back up your library. Why use more than one library? How do you use a laptop in the field and do initial workflow (keywords metadata, 1st sort etc) and then transfer to your desktop when home for your main processing. Thanks for a great sight.
Can’t remember exactly how I stumbled upon this site but certainly pleased that I did. As a current RSP user and easily awaiting my upgrade to Lightroom the videos/tips have got to be the best learning curve ever. Practical, Useful, Beneficial and most importantly of all, having the ability to download them for viewing at leisure has made my revisit to the site a must for the future. Great work – keep it up – and many thanks.
Regards from a cold snowy Germany.
Thanks for the excellent tips and vids. I can’t wait to get my hands on this software. Two things I’d be really interested in seeing are tutorials on how to tweak poorly exposed shots (especially indoor flash) and now to bring out more dynamic range in landscape shots. Such information would be invaluable to those of us new to DSLR photography. Thanks again!
Hi Matt,
Well you’ve finally convinced me that I needed the Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR – geez how did I live without it? Having seen your horse racing photograph, you helped me to make the decision that i really needed the lens for Event Photography…just wondered if you could explain this to my wife :o)
Thanks for a great site and great tutorials,
Best wishes to you and yours,
congrats to the photo of the horse – just perfect!
and thanks for all these interesting insight views on lightroom, photoshop, … (you name it).
greetings from austria, kurt
Hi Matt,
congratulations to the site. Great tips as usual. You should place more photos from time to time. I like it! Did you turn off the VR mode when you was panning on the monopod?
How can I organize all my images I processed in Lightroom the best way?
I always choose a folder of my RAW photos with Import “Reference files in existing location”, but the adjustments I made in Lightroom will not be saved in that folder as a sidecar file known from Adobe Bridge.
Time for a new tutorial 😉
Take care,
Hi Matt,
Hey, thanks for the tips and training videos for LR. They have helped me a lot. I’m fairly new to dSLR and Raw format and your videos have Improved my experience level tremendously.
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Matt,
Great shot of the horse galloping…..I want that lens :o)
I just want to say, I am really enjoying this application, and it is the great tool for photography. I am starting to use it for all my photography need. .
Saludos from Puerto Rico, Excellent, I, now, watch on my mac, both, your program and photoshop tv with the rest of the gang. I am new in photoshop and both of your programs are very convenient.
The tutuorials are a life saver. I knew this program had wicked potential, I just couldn’t figure it out on my own. I had sent feedback about that issue when I first tried using it – you guys never let us down!
Hey Matt!
Been subscribing to your podcast since the start and it’s really great! I am using lightroom now and I am constantly waiting for new tips from you weekly. A couple of things I wanted to share/comment on:
– for the keyboard shortcuts, I frequently use R to crop
– the dec 18 before and after previews video doesnt load in itunes. is it supposed to load there?
Thanks and keep on doing the good work!
Thanks for the tutorials, its is such a neat application, its so good to hear some one explain the tips, I have interested my nephew in Lightroom and another friend they both thanked me, now thanks to you, not only for the tuturorials, but Lightroom also,
I really enjoy reading these tips.
Your tip today 3d light modeler should have a “Not Safe For Work” warning, though. When I opened it it was a full-torso nude woman model. I have no issue with that; I just would have waited until I got home to access it if I had known. No big deal for me; maybe for someone else.
Excellent tutorials, very informative and extremely helpful and time saving. My workflow has increased in efficiency by 23% after using these tips. Thank You and keep them coming!
Matt, excellent killer tips! Can you tell me what the synchronise button is for – in the develop module?
The lightroom curves episode is the best I’ve seen so far. (Not completely caught up yet, though…) Thanks for going into enough detail on the curves tool that it began to make much more sense. I had tinkered with curves (in lightroom and photoshop) but I’ll be able to use this much more intelligently on my photos now. Thanks!!!!