How to Correct Difficult To Remove Spots in Lightroom Classic
Here’s another awesome, quick, to the point tutorial from Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde on how correcting difficult to remove spots. Check it out:
Thanks, Benjamin! 🙂
Don’t miss Rob Sylvan’s column here tomorrow!
I know what he has planned, and you are not going to want to miss it (Note his post will be going up later than usual).
Have a great Tuesday, ya’ll! 🙂
Amazing tip! I’ve been using LR since the first beta and never knew this.
incredible. I am experimenting this problem for 10 years not able to refine an existing erased part. i tried to come from outside previous selection to add it…
Thanks !
Ha! that might save me the odd trip into Photoshop! Thanks Scott and Benjamin
oh please!!! The Spot Removal tool sucks more than a vacuum. Scott had it right when he recommended that Adobe buy TouchRetouch.
WOW! Awesome tip and something that has frustrated me for a long time with spot removal.
You can also use shortcut key the letter “H” to hide overlays while working and hit the letter “H” a second time to bring them back.
NICE! I always had to drag in from somewhere else to avoid selecting the existing spot removal.
Wow, thanks Benjamin. Never knew that. If I did it would have saved me a whole lot of time and frustration removine wires, poles, etc!