Choosing Where Your Sync’d Images From LR Mobile Your Phone are Stored on Your Desktop Computer
Greetings from San Francisco (I’m here for my seminar tomorrow, but today I’m at Adobe HQ meeting with some of the Lightroom Team). Speaking of the Lightroom team (how’s that for a segue?) here’s Lightroom team member Benjamin Warde with another another 60-seconds or less “Lightroom Coffee Break” tip:
Thanks, Benjamin (I think that tip is particularly helpful). 🙂
Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you tomorrow at my seminar here in San Francisco. We’re gonna have a packed house! Can’t wait to share all my latest Lightroom stuff! 🙂
Have a great Tuesday everybody!
Seems easy enough in theory, but even when I choose my external HD as location to save my Lightroom Moblie sync’d images, they keep dumping onto my MacBook Air HD and filling it up!
Need help!