Chicago and Detroit — I’m Headed Your Way Soon!

We just announced two new cities for my new full-day seminar, The Ultimate Photography Crash Course. They are:
Chicago on Wednesday, July 17th
Detroit Area (Livonia) on Thursday, July 18th
I am so, so excited about this new day of training — it kicked off in Indianapolis and Minneapolis last week and I was thrilled with the incredible feedback from the 450+ photographers who came out for the day. Some of the best comments from any seminar I’ve done ever.

Here’s what’s this new tour is based on:
if I could spend just one day with a friend, and I only had that one day to give them a giant leap forward in their photography, what would I teach them that would have a real, immediate impact on their photography. What could I show them, that would change their photography from that day forward. That’s exactly what I put in this seminar.
Check out this video and you’ll totally get it.
Who should attend this new seminar?
It’s not aimed at pros (though there will be some pros there for sure); but it’s for landscape photographers, portrait photographers, travel photographers, flash shooters, natural light portrait folks, wedding photographers, and street shooters, fine art photographers, food photographers, and anyone who is just tired of struggling along, and knows there’s got to be an easier, faster, better way to make great images.
I teach lots of post -processing there, too!
Some really cool Photoshop and Lightroom stuff – you’ll totally dig it.
Come out and spend the day with me.
You have nothing to lose — it’s risk-free because it’s 100% money-back guarantee if it’s not the best photography seminar, you’ve ever attended, at any price ever. Period! Don’t spend the next five years “paying your dues” and learning everything the hard way, or not learning it at all. If you’re ready to make a big jump in your skills and start taking great images now, this is the one day that can change everything.
It’s just $99 for the full day of training and includes a detailed printed workbook (the biggest one I’ve ever written by the way) bonus videos and more goodies. It’s a kick-butt day and you’re going to learn a lot no matter where you are on your photographic journey.
Tickets and more details here. I hope I get to meet you in person for a day that’s going to change everything!
P.S. More cities and dates to be announced soon. We’re going pretty much everywhere in the US, so