
We Have Our Book Winners!

Congrats Letterpress

We have our winners for signed copies of my “Photoshop Book for Lightroom Users.” Congrats to these fine folks:

Diane Ellis
Joseph Coots
Denis Lajoic
Jose Rivera
Sharon Johnston
Stefan Ljungwall
Dave Cleaveland
Michelle Matthews
Luigi Dorigo
Katrina Bell
My assistant Lynn will be contacting you to get your shipping address, and I’ll be sure to sign and personalize each of them. Thanks so much to everybody who entered. More giveaways coming soon!




  1. Jose Rivera 3 December, 2014 at 15:05 Reply

    Fantastic. I am happy to be a winner and look forward to learning from your book. Thank you Scott, all the best.

  2. sharon johnston 3 December, 2014 at 03:11 Reply

    Ooooo thankyou !!!! Just made an awful year end on a positive !! Much needed boost so again thanks and cannot wait to receive it ! Follow you on twitter under zionangelphotography

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