Lightroom Tips

A Super Quick Way To Convert Your Photo To Black And White

Hey everyone. Here’s a great little tip for you if you want to see quickly see what your photo looks like as a black and white, without going to a different panel and messing with sliders. Ready… just go to the Develop module and press the V key. Yup… that’s it. It does the default black and white conversion, and gives you a good idea of whether you’d want to process the photo any further as a B&W. If you like it, then head down to the B&W panel and make some more adjustments. If not, just press the V key again and it’ll take you back to the color version of the photo. Here’s an example:


Have a great weekend!



  1. marianne h 23 July, 2013 at 08:56 Reply

    matt-just happen to look if htere is a book out like scott kelby’s ws yrs ago in pe 4—yei got lightroom installed in my is3 but missed my class to some unfortunatly circumstances-can u help

    marianne h atlanta ga

  2. Dwaine Dibbly 10 May, 2013 at 19:56 Reply

    This proves what Mrs Dibbly has been (lovingly) telling me for years: I’m an idiot. 🙂

    Seriously, though, this is a great time. Nice way to end the work week. Thanks!

  3. Jeff Lazar 10 May, 2013 at 16:04 Reply

    Hi Matt. thanks for the tip. Actually I’ve been using it since Lightrrom 2. It also works with the Library module.

  4. Dennis Zito 10 May, 2013 at 07:09 Reply

    Very cool … Thanks Matt! In the past, I always made a virtual copy and then did the B&W conversion. This gives one less step … Nice!


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