It was supposed to be our Annual Holiday Gear Guide episode of “The Grid” (our weekly talk show for photographers), and we did share a bunch of last-minute gift ideas, but we kicked off the episode with what you might say was quite a “Spirited” discussion. It was more like a rant.
I’ve been hearing the whining about Adobe’s subscription plans for 11 straight years now, and apparently, I had had about enough of it, and I didn’t hold anything back. I wasn’t there to defend Adobe (they’re a pretty big company, they can defend themselves), but instead, I was there to confront the stupidity, which was in no short supply.
I had excerpts from some of the 100+ comments on my Facebook page when I pointed to my post about the price hikes on Monday. I especially enjoyed the one where a guy said he called Adobe and that there actually was no price increase, and I was lying. He called my post “Fake News” and then said, “Adobe is now investigating my account.” You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Well, you could, but you don’t need.
Give it a listen if you get a chance (it’s embedded above – the discussion starts around the 2-minute 30-second mark).
Have a great weekend, everybody! #GoBucs!
The point is, that the 20GB plan is going away. So every new customer after January has only the option for the 1TB plan (if he wants Photoshop). At double the price of the 20GB plan.
And the next step will be that the 20GB plan will go away for current customers and they will have the “options” to switch to the 1TB plan or terminate the subscription. Just my 2 cents.
News flash for who those complaining about a $5/month increase: you picked the wrong hobby!