A BIG Lightroom Seminar Thanks!
There’s an actual Lightroom-learning-related post below this one, but I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who attended my Lightroom seminars last week (in Chicago on Monday and New York City on Wednesday). I had two of the best crowds that a live instructor, standing in front of hundreds of people, could possibly hope for. On Monday we had over 400 people in Chicago and on Wednesday we had nearly 700 in New York. Both seminars went over great and I seriously didn’t have one person that stood out to me as not happy with the day. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. In particular I’d like to thank:
The two guys sitting in front of me in Chicago who kept giggling all day. I thought my zipper was down or something 🙂
The woman sitting in front of me who kept asking questions (even though I kept saying I can’t answer them during class and that I’d get to them at the break). I gotta hand it to her persistence 🙂
The kind kind kind kind gracious woman who lent me a D300 battery. Yes, I charged my battery (for the live shoots) in the morning. But what I didn’t know is that if you leave your camera tethered to the computer it keeps a constant connection going and drains your battery quickly. I thought it would automatically power off, but nope… I was wrong. So I got to the last shoot of the day with a dead battery and she had one up there for me in about 10 seconds. Thank you! (Lesson learned: Shut camera off after shoot)
The guy up front in New York who actually started to get up for me when I said I needed a model to shoot who didn’t mind being nude 🙂
All of you who were honest enough and raised your hands, when I asked if you really do indeed show your family and friends all 700+ photos from your vacations (and not just the select few keepers).
And…Everyone who came up just to say hi, shake hands and tell me that they dig my training (hey, who wouldn’t like that right?!) 🙂
Thanks again. I’ll update you with any seminars or workshops coming your way as soon as I get some dates. For now, Photoshop World is my next stop at the end of September. We’ve got an entire track dedicated to Lightroom for all 3 days so make sure you check out the website. See ya!
I flew into ORD for the Chicago Lightroom seminar (in and out on the same day) and totally felt like I got good value for the money.
I finally feel like I “get” what Lr is about and, most importantly, how to use it in a workflow and how to be productive with Lr.
I also appreciated the chance to ask questions between sessions. I’m finally going to stop taking combined jpeg + raw with each shot and going strictly to raw, since I see why its that isn’t needed w/ Lr.
Can’t wait to meet you in Vegas Matt! I look forward to sitting in on a LIVE training session (since you haven’t made it to KC in the last few years).
I attended the New York seminar, and it was time and money well spent. The lessons were well-paced and detailed without being too overbearing and boring. The take-home seminar workbook is a great refresher for everything learned over the course of the day.
So I guess that you now have a new video for D town.
great seminar in Chicago. the best one so far for me. I was one of the guys in the front row. thanks for all the knowledge!
victor the address to the presets was:
i actually took a picture of the screen when matt posted it up.
Thanks for a great Chicago seminar, Matt!
I’m the guy who bet you a buck that you’d say you use LR for 80% of your workflow….AND I’ve watched every episode of Photoshop User TV!
Sounds great. Now..when are you going to do one right here in Tampa, Matt!?
Are videos of your seminars are available somewhere on net ?
Thanks again for showing us all some pretty cool tips during the Chicago session. Definitely feel it was one of the best training sessions I’ve attended in a very long time. I am however looking for some of the presets that you mentioned you would provide for us after the seminar and that you would post online. I tried following the link that you mentioned “www.kelbytraining.com/chicagoseminar” but it comes back with this error.
Sorry, Page Not Found.
This specific URL cannot be found. Some reasons could be:
Mis-typed URL
The address bar URL is: http://www.kelbytraining.com/chicagoseminar/
Is this the address you wanted?
Just want to make sure that it is the correct URL. Thanks again and I can’t wait for the next Live Tour seminar to you come back this way again. Victor..
Thanks a lot Matt!! I bought Lightroom 2 almost a year ago and had barely scratched the surface of it’s powers. Now having taken your seminar in Chicago I feel a LOT more confident in using it. In fact the Library feature helped me get through my 450 Worldwide Photo Walk pictures in record time. Thanks again!