New On Tuesdays: Benjamin Warde’s “Lightroom Coffee Break”
Hi gang: I’ve been watching Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde’s “Lightroom Coffee Break” videos for a while now (they’re awesome little, 60-second or less Lightroom tip videos), and so I asked Benjamin if I could share one of his videos each Tuesday here on the blog (sliding in nicely nestled between my Monday and Wednesday posts).
Well, he was very gracious to let me do so, so…without further ado, here’s our first “Tuesday Lightroom Coffee Break with Benjamin Warde” – this one’s on syncing your images with Lightroom Mobile:
Thanks again to Benjamin for allowing me to share his series with you here, and here’s wishing you all an absolutely freakin’ fantastic Tuesday! 🙂
The plural of Tuesday is Tuesdays, not Tuesday’s.
Thank you so very much.