So, I’m off from work this week – Just finished writing another book (and it was a big thick one), and all my prep work is done for the upcoming iPhone Photography Conference, so I’m taking this off to do some important things, like (in no particular order):
- Sleep very late
- Play Call of Duty Warzone
- Record music in my studio
- Eat foods I should probably avoid
- Complain that I ate foods I shouldn’t have eaten
- Hang out with the family a ton
- Order pizza delivery
- Probably not shave for a few days so I look like an old sea captain
- I’ll probably get my car washed but maybe not
- I’m going to spend some Amazon gift cards I got yesterday
Things I will NOT being doing:
- Attending Zoom meetings
- Attending Microsoft Team meetings
- Attending Google Meet meetings
- Attending anything
- Blogging about anything
- Being on The Grid
- Going on The Grid
- Doing anything remotely work-related
- Making any youtube videos
- Tweeting (well, maybe just silly tweets)
- Reading the daily news
I did massive loads of laundry yesterday (to celebrate Father’s Day), and so I have nothing left to do but chill, vibe, and relax this week, and I cannot wait to just do really nothing in particular, which is awesome.
Rob will still be here with his column on Wednesday, but on Friday when I would be writing here, I won’t be, so it will just be an empty space that says “insert Scott’s post here” but no one will insert one ’cause I will not have written one, so unless an AI version of me is installed by then, look for me a week from today.
Until then, I wish you a wonderful week, working or not (pizza delivery or not) and good health and happiness throughout.
P.S. Did I mention I’m off this week? Well, it’s true (just high-fived myself).