Our buddy, the great Terry White has a fantastic video where he shares not only 10 Lightroom tools you never knew about, he also shares some great little-known Photoshop tools, too! Really great stuff, and a perfect way to kick off the week. Check it out below.

Thanks, Terry!

The Outdoor Photography Conference is just two weeks away!

It’s coming up May 18 & 19, 2021 and we’ve put together one of the greatest teams of instructors we’ve ever assembled. It’s going to an incredible event — two full days, two simultaneous training tracks, all online, and super affordable. Here’s the link for tickets and info.

Here’s wishing you an absolutely kick-butt week! 🙂




  1. NotoriousRLS 8 May, 2021 at 08:49 Reply

    didn’t know the crop in PS that allows you to correct planar look of images… good tip.

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