I’ve got another quick video tip for you today (I mean really quick – like 60 seconds quick). It’s on a little known feature that helps out when using the Remove Spots tool and spotting your photos in general.

Click here to watch the video. (6Mb)

Now for some news and links…• Legendary wedding photographer (and just one all around really nice guy), David Ziser, has a workshop coming in July. David truly has a gift when it comes to photographing a wedding and working with people. Anyone who has been in one of his workshops comes out knowing it was worth 10 times what they paid. If you’d like find out more check out this link.

• You’ve heard me mention it before but Dave Cross, Moose Peterson, Laurie Excel and myself are teaching on a one week cruise through Hawaii. It’s got a great itinerary and a perfect mixture of classroom time, shooting time with the pros, portfolio review time with any of us, and free time to enjoy the cruise and the Hawaiian Islands. I’ve been to Hawaii once and it’s so darn cool because you’ve got landscapes, people, wildlife, flowers, fabulous sunrises, sunsets all in one place. Find out more and see the itinerary at Cruising Through Life’s website. Oh yeah, mention that you’re a NAPP member and you get a discount.

• I’ve been visiting the Weekly Photo Tips blog lately and Scott has some really nice finds on there. I’m especially liking his blog since he did a review of my Layers book 😉 Seriously though, review aside you’ll find some neat stuff on the website and Scott brings some unique posts to blogosphere.

• Terry White, author of the critically acclaimed 😉 Terry White’s Tech Blog (and one heck-of-a great photographer) wrote a cool post about controlling the whole studio from his laptop. It’s definitely worth a read and I’m sure you’ll find some other good stuff on his site.

And finally, an inspirational update…
• There was a lot of interest in the architecture and real estate post I did a few weeks ago. Well I got an email from one of the guys I mentioned (Thomas Grubba) and he pointed me to a Flickr group for Real Estate photographers. Not only is it inspirational but it’s educational too, as a lot of the photographers share their setups and experiences. The real estate market being what it is today, you can get a great competitive advantage if you work in this area by visiting this group. Heck, even if you’re selling your own home you might as well be the one taking your photos if your realtor pulls out their $110 point-n-shoot. Thomas also let me know that he and Scott Hargis (another really popular photographer in the business) are working on a DVD. Sign me up for it when it comes out!

Well campers that’s it for today. And yes, whenever I end a post with the word “campers” you know what that means. Yep, another cub scout camping trip this weekend. Say a prayer that the bird-sized mosquitos don’t get the best of me. See ya!
(photo credit: Thomas Grubba)



  1. Mattias Sigurdsson 2 December, 2009 at 10:30 Reply

    Hi Matt, I´ve been looking to most of your lessons at Kelbytraing the last months. Very clearly and well structured, thank´s a lot.

    Now a proposal, actually to the developpers of LR, but if you like the idea… or those who read this… Please let hem know.

    I would love to have a kind of digital POST-IT LABELS feature in LR. The possibility of making personal notes about each photo, badge, catalog, anything. “Remember: try white vignetting”, “Remember: ask for the grooms name” etc etc. Just quick notations, easy to put on, easy to take away. Dont´t you think?

  2. William Bay 21 April, 2008 at 16:53 Reply

    Thanks for the spotting tip. Really worth the price of admission.
    To think… I was printing and then using Spot-tone.

    This is going to be a big improvement in workflow.


  3. mad lady's 19 April, 2008 at 05:49 Reply

    Hi to author Well what to tell, on a photo it is possible to see, hardly appreciable difference. But I believe, for those who is familiar with bases Photosop, such is possible to make simply by hands. I can be mistaken not having seen the large photos. To you a thank for interesting materials. Come to me, if not laziness.
    Excuse for bad English language… Russia with love

  4. rmstudio 19 April, 2008 at 04:26 Reply

    Thank you for the tips. But on the note of the “David Zeiser” seminar.. On the link you provided about the seminar it has literally over kill on info on what your going to learn and what a great seminar it is.. But No were and I mean no were on the full page of endless seminar info does it show the most basic information for the seminar which is “WERE AND WHEN!!!!” Tell them if they put as much effort as they did in “Selling” what a great seminar this is as they did in the process of giving the most basic elements for people to decide to go to this seminar or not.. Maybe they might get someone to go.

  5. ray stevens 18 April, 2008 at 19:02 Reply

    Jeez Matt, get your “grammer” right will you 😉
    After all, we all know how much blog readers care about properly written posts – with correct spelling.
    Now me, myself & I are going to return to looking for errors across blog-land

  6. Kevin Hurt 18 April, 2008 at 15:51 Reply

    Great tips and news!

    And for Gil. Any third grade English book would also tell you that “third grade is neither capitalized, nor hyphenated.

  7. Airsafety 18 April, 2008 at 13:55 Reply

    Great tip, sir. It’s much more efficient than my previous method of using a cardboard paper towel tube to scan my monitor… and I no longer sport a red ring around my right eye!



  8. Winston Mitchell 18 April, 2008 at 13:03 Reply

    Windows machines…

    Navigate to the upper left corner with the [Home] key. [End] gets you to the lower-right corner.

    To scroll left-right instead of top-bottom, hold down [Shift] when pressing the [Page Up/Down] keys.


  9. Seim Effects 18 April, 2008 at 12:46 Reply

    Nice vid tip Matt. I didn’t know that one.

    It’s going to be neat to see all this stuff grow up even more in LR 2. I’m really excited to see the D module get better and have more power behind what we can put in our presets.

    Aperture going to continues to be running to catch up it seems, but then competition is always good 🙂

    Gav Seim

  10. Gil Lescanec 18 April, 2008 at 12:16 Reply

    The sentence should read ” Dave Cross, MoosePeterson , Laurie Excel and I………” “Myself” is rarely to be used. Unfortunately, today it’s almost always misused as any Third-Grade basic English grammer book will tell you.

  11. Budd R 18 April, 2008 at 11:06 Reply

    Thanks for the great info and tips. Enjoy the camping trip. I remember, very fondly, those times with my kids. I actually miss the bird-sized mosquitoes now!

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