
Free Live Webcast Today / Photoshop Compositing Book Update

Hey there! Don’t forget that I’ll be hosting a free live webcast today at 4pm EST. to celebrate the release of my Photoshop Compositing Secrets book. Scott Kelby will also be on hand to help field your questions to me, and of course I’ll be doing some demos and sneak-peaks from the book. You can sign up and watch right here.

Also, in other book related news:
• The book is still sold out on It says shipping in 1-3 “months”, but I sure hope that’s a misprint 🙂
• You can still buy it here at Barnes and Noble.
• I’m still signing all of the copies if you buy them at Kelby Training’s website here.
• And of course it’s always available digitally (not PDF) on the Kindle, Nook, and iBooks.

Here’s a few people I paid to write nice things about the book… Totally just kidding 🙂 But, here’s a few reviews in case you’re still on the fence:
• Terry White wrote about it on his tech blog with some examples
• Glyn Dewis wrote an in-depth review here.
• Douglas Sonders wrote about the book here.
• Jeff Revell (Jrev!) posted a review on his blog.
• William Beem wrote specifically about the iBook version (and why he likes it better) on his blog.



  1. José Gonçalves 16 October, 2011 at 10:53 Reply

    I Know this is not the page to say, but WOOOOOW great book, congratulations,just bought my at book depository.
    My Photoshop students use to ask me what book or books can i recommend about compositing, usually my choice was Katrin Eismann Photoshop Masking & Compositing, now i can add one more fine book. Your BOOK.
    Congratulations once more.
    Cheers from Portugal

  2. Kevin Stephenson 6 September, 2011 at 01:27 Reply

    I want to watch your compositing webcast but there is no link when I follow the link from the Kelby Training home page.


  3. Cliff Workman 30 August, 2011 at 14:24 Reply


    I unfortunatley won’t be able to catch the webcast live and was wondering if it will be archived and made available to view later? Maybe on Kelby Training or on the NAPP site?


  4. Dennis Zito 30 August, 2011 at 11:29 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    Looking forward to your Webcast! Received my signed copy of your book last week and was thrilled to see you had mentioned me my name! That was cool! Can’t wait to get started with compositing some photos!

    See ya tomorrow!


  5. Dennis Zito 30 August, 2011 at 09:30 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    I’ve signed up and ready to go! The Webcast sound like fun, and I might even learn something! 🙂 Hey, I got my “Signed” Copy of your Book and was thrilled that you actually used my name! That was really cool … thanks! I’m looking forward to getting started!

    Thanks again for the Signed book! Be watching you tomorrow!


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