Adjustment BrushesFeatured

Why The Ability to Move Adjustment Brush Edits Can Be Really Handy

Happy Friday, everybody! Today I’m answering a question with a quick video — the question is “Why would I ever need to move an edit I made with the Adjustment  Brush?” and not only is there a really, it can really save a lot of time, and help speed your workflow in certain cases. Either way — it’s a good one to know.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and I hope we’ll see ya back here on Monday. 🙂



P.S. Want to learn some really helpful Photoshop techniques this weekend? Check out my online class called “How to remove distracting stuff” using Photoshop. The reviews on it have been off the charts. Here’s the link (by the way — if you’re not already a KelbyOne member, you can still watch the class — just sign up for the 10-day free trial and you can watch it right now). 




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