Such a Great Little Tip For Getting Your Lightroom Spot Healing Brush The Right Size Every Time!
When you’re removing spots or lines or whatever using the Spot Removal Tool (or the Healing Brush in the cloud version – they’re the same tool with different names), the goal is to make your brush just a little larger than the spot or item you want to remove. Here’s a quick 24-second video on how to nail the right size every time (NOTE: There’s no audio in the video).
Try this one – I think you’ll super dig it. 🙂
Here’s wishing you a way better than usual Monday! 🙂
P.S. We announced “The Portrait Photography Conference” last Friday, and it is taking OFF!!! Get more details and tickets right there.
Bad tip, using sroll wheel is much easier
Well, not everyone uses a mouse with a scroll wheel or even a mouse at all.
As you know, I am obsessed with LR, read this column 3 days a week and practice all the time. BUT, with all due respect to Adobe, can they please reflect on this video and see that it would behoove them to release a full manual explaining all the things that can be done in this program. Whereas most guidebooks give examples of what can be done, then the chapter explains the steps to accomplish this task, it would be nice if they could release a guide that starts with FILE and goes line by line and then end with all the keyboard shortcuts and what each does. The fact that I have been using this program for 10 years, and this is the first that I have heard of it, just proves that a guide like this is necessary.
No sound on video 🙁
By design, and noted in the paragraph preceding the video, and in the video itself.