Lightroom Videos

Lightroom Video: How to See and Manage Your Folders

Happy Friday! This week’s video is all about folders. It’s probably one of the most-asked-about topics I hear from Lightroom users everywhere. The Folders panel in the Library module is where your photos are stored. So, before keywords, collections, stars, ratings, smart collections or anything else like that, you have folders in their simplest form. And understanding how that panel works is important. So here’s a few little tips and tricks around working with folders that can make it a little easier to navigate. Enjoy and have a great weekend!



  1. Diane Morris 26 February, 2014 at 15:30 Reply

    Hi Matt, thanks for this great video…..i am newly learning LR and this has given me an “aha” moment……i have been scrolling up and down pics in the library to get to the group of pics i am looking for. This is becoming a chore as i am adding more photos……what a shortcut to go to the folder panel and click on a folder to get just the group of photos i would like to work with!!!! My question is this…..right now my pics are importing by date, which means i might have quite a few folders with not many pictures in them…..what if i decided to go into “pictures” at the end of each month on my computer and consolidate all the pics for that month…..or at least consolidate by grouping some together by theme or category……if i make a change to folders on my computer, will that change show up in the folders panel in LR?

    sorry for such a long drawn out question! i will definitely be taking the new course you described for new users to LR. i have LR4…..should i update to LR5 before taking the class?

    thanks so much for your time, diane m

  2. Clee 26 October, 2013 at 16:05 Reply

    Hi Matt, I am a rookie to LR4.4 and am trying to master the commands and practice what I see in the video clips. With regard to the video clip on “how to manage your folders” i an not able to drag the file or folder from one location to another by dragging it along the toolbar. My icons just slip out from where i want to place the folder. I am using a laptop with Windows 8.
    Where am i going wrong?

  3. Dennis Zito 21 October, 2013 at 10:10 Reply

    Matt, this really helped me a lot! However, I’m thinking it won’t help on older catalogs of LR. For example, I have some catalogs from LR 4, LR 3 and etc. that I haven’t updated into LR 5. If I load those catalogs into LR 5, will I get the folders hierarchy?



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